False alarm...


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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...... so I had spent the day with my MIL-to-be and all was fine, until about 7pm and I was getting really strong BH's. I've had these on and off for several weeks but these were really strong...much stronger than before. On top of that I was getting really bad back pain and lower abdominal pain too on and off :-( I also went to the loo at one point where I seemed to "empty" my bowels in a "loose" fashion rather randomly so this also caused some concern.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, MIL-to-be got panicky which in turn made me even worse (I was trying to control it all by "riding" a backwards dining table chair lol) but in the end, we rang MW. Couldn't get hold of her so had to ring hospital and they told me to have a warm bath, paracetomol etc and if no change or worse then to go in.

Had to go in.....

Was monitored for half hour (me and baby) by which time everything (typically) was calming down and hardly any pain whilst in hospital etc so they sent me back home.

Just thought i'd update you guys on what has been going on but also to ask (as I have no clue) exactly HOW MUCH pain are true labour contractions? What I had this evening was bad enough but not excrutiating if you know what I mean? To give you an idea... 18 months ago, I suffered really bad from re-occuring pilonidal abcesses in my lower back and it wasn't quite as bad as the pain I used to suffer with that if that makes sense to anyone who may have suffered from them?

I'm just glad it was a false alarm as I don't want to go quite this early but I am still quite shocked by the whole thing.

Sorry for the long post but ANY help would be very much appreciated :) thanks in advance :) xx
I've had 3 babies already and will still b shocked by the pain. Wiv my youngest I'd been havin pains all night,they stopped then I was gettin them all afternoon the following day,I was like oooh ooh ooh I'm havin a contraction,they suddenly intensified in the evenin and I was like s@$t that hurt...it got worse lol. I still think it's a mind over matter pain,I think of a contraction like climbing a mountain,u've got to remember that ul come down the other side. That's justme anyway,every1's different xxxx
Both my labour pains were different!! I heard when your well into labour you can't talk through the contractions which was kinda true for me and I couldn't walk when I had a contraction!! Hope your feeling better now x x
My contractions were like nothing I can describe. Braxton hicks are nothing in comparison. I was screaming through them. I didn't expect it to be that bad. Mine was worse as Isla was breech and thankfully that led to a emergency c section so I wasn't in pain for too long.

People kept telling me "you'd know when you are in labour" and oh where they right!!

Emma x
I too have had false labour. I had the same symptoms a few weeks ago too. I got up in the middle of the night and had really bad diahorrea, felt sick and was having pains on and off although i knew the pains werent that strong as ive had a baby already but i still ended up going to hospital to be monitered for about half and hour and OBVIOUSLY the pains stopped as soon as i got there lol, bloody typical, they must have thought i was making it up! Ive now reached 37 weeks although i have been really sore and stuff. I suppose its just one of those things. labour pains when they get strong are like the worst period pain ever lol really dull pain and knock the air out of you and it doesnt matter what you do or what position you move into, it wont go away til its finished on its own, it feels like you have no control over it at all and you just have to go with it. Dont mean to scare you but no one explained to me how sore it was lol. All i can say is thank god for an epidural!
Sorry can't help on the pain from contractions at all, but wanted to say glad you were not in true labour as another fews weeks would be great fokr your baby. My MC contractions casued ne to double up and roll on the floor if that helps! and the girls are right, no position would make them stop until the 2 mins was finished and I got a minute off and it came back again.
Everyone is different when in labour, ive seen women who just cant cope with the labour pains while others are so indifferent you wouldnt think they were fully dilated. Either way, your midwife will help you through it, so try not to panic about it. I found when i was in first stage up to around 4 cm the pain was bad, but once I got to around 7cm upwards the pain was unbearable. But you get to work with the contractions and I would think to myself that it will end in a minute. Drugs also helped lol. If you can keep mobilised you may get through them a bit better. Find a position that helps the most. We usually tell our women to come in when they can no longer cope with the pain, cuz then we know they are usually well on their way. xx

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