Falling HCG. What now?


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
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Hi ladies.

By my LMP I should be 5+6 today.

On Wednesday I went to a&e with some left sided pain had scans and hcg tests. Hcg was 146 and nothing could be seen except a thickened lining. The pain went away and it turned out it looked as though I ovulated from the right anyway.

I went back for more bloods yesterday (Friday) and scans and still nothig there and just found out my HCG has dropped to 125.

I had pink discharge on Thursday which I assumed was from all the prodding and brown discharge since yesterday afternoon which I again put down to prodding and poking.

I need to go back on Monday as they still can't rule out an ectopic. If they're going down surely that's a good sign for it not being ectopic??

I have no idea what happens now really. I just feel so upset and need to stay away from Google. Will they just wait for me to miscarry?

Thank you in advance x
Hi sarah. I know what ur going thru right now as im going through the same. If u have a read of my story which is under coping with miscarriage and loss. Its called missed miscarriage 6 months ago now ectopic it might answer some of ur questions. Xx
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Thank you, I'll look for your post xx
I couldn't find the post, clam. I think Tapatalk isn't built for post hunting.

I'm feeling so weird and empty. This stupid little part of my head keeps telling me that maybe it'll be ok and they're wrong then 5 minutes later I'm upset because it's definitely not going to be ok.

I hate having no idea what's going to happen when I go back to the EPU on Monday I iust feel so helpless.
*Hi sarah here is my post i have 2 children and 5 months ago i had a missed miscarriage at 7 weeks. My lmp was 26th September, i have a 25 day cycle. Unfortunately on 6 days after i found out i was pregnant i started spotting, i went to my gp who said just monitor it. The nxt day the spotting became bright red and only there when i wipe. I spoke to the epu who said this is quite normal and to go in the following week for a scan. Nxt morning when i woke there was some bright red blood in my pants. ( sorry tmi) put on a pad and went to the hospital. 7 hours l8tr there is still no blood on my pad but there is on wiping. The doctor who i saw said it was a miscarriage. She did a pregnancy test and said it was negative. To go home and c my gp. After seeing him i stressed that there was something wrong as i have had 2 miscarriages in such a short space of time. He said maybe i was too old. Im 31. He said just wait for the scan on thursday for confirmation. Im so upset and annoyed. Not getting any answers and not knowing if ive lost my baby or not. The nxt day i went bk to a+e cos of the bleeding, they did another test there where it was negative so again the doc said id had a miscarriage. He then referred me to epu where i first had a urine test done. It came bk positive. Then i had an internal done. The doctor there said that the neck of the womb is closed, so she sais she thinks im having a threatened miscarriage. My hcg levels were 30 which i think is low but she said its fine. Had to go bk 48hrs l8tr to see if they have doubled. I wasnt building my hopes up. Didn't know what to think anymore.
Did another pt got another bfp. Went bk to the hospital they have dropped by 2 they are now 24. They cant understand why they are dropping so slowly. Had a scan everything there looks normal but there is no sign of any pregnancy. They said it could be too early too see anything but bloods show a failing pregnancy. had to go bk in another week for more blood tests. Sooo confused. When i went back the results had gone up to 31 even more stressing. 4 days later i went to epu with bad pains where i was admitted my hcg level is now 23. They did another scan both abdominal and transvaginal they saw nothing but noticed fluid speak to another consultant then come bk and said were not doing it. U need to go home and let it come away naturally. My levels were 19 today. Got to go bk next week for more blood tests. If they stay the same or go back up i have to have methtroxate. Im at the absolute end of my tether.
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Thank you clam. That sounds absolutely terrible how much they pushed you from pillar to post. What was the outcome? If you know yet?

I've been back to the EPU today for bloods and I'm waiting for results. Had a bit of bleeding but nothing realy, just when I wipe. They said my levels need to go down and that'll be a good sign. If they go up they'll have to look into it more xx
Hcg was 57 yesterday down from 125 72 hours before so just got to wait now apparently.
They still won't rule out ectopic though? Does anyone know how long I might have to wait for?
I'm sorry they haven't eased your mind much. They ruled out ectopic when my levels dropped to 54. Well, at least they told me that I didn't have to fear tube rupture - I guess they don't know for sure where it implanted so could technically be ectopic but your levels dropping means your body is dealing with it (at least that's what I was told). My HCG was 54 on the Friday and I began spotting on the Sunday then miscarried (passed the main sac etc) in the early hours of Monday morning then bled for 6 more days (just like period) I hope it's not too long a wait for you xxx
Thank you. I am absolutely hating this wait. Hopefully it'll all be over in a week. I need to have this physically finished so I can deal with it mentally and emotionally.

So good to know that if my levels are dropping then my body's coping and in the event of ectopic I'm likely not going to rupture.

I would happily sign something saying I won't sue the hospital if I could get some real reassurance from them!

Sounds very similar to when I miscarried Sarah, I was 6+3 when i actually started bleeding, they couldn't see anything except thickened lining and said all could be fine but I just knew it was over before it had began. They never did see anything and suspected ectopic but they couldn't see anything to suggest ectopic on scan so that was ruled out. I just had to keep going back every couple of days for yet another blood test to check hog levels and then discharged when came back negative. i managed to pass everything naturally and didn't need any intervention. Wasn't nice at all but I managed very well, didn't have really any pain. The hospital was surprised I was relatively pain free. Big hugs to you and I hope everything passes easily for you xxxx
Thank you for sharing your experience, Laura. I in no way thought I was the only one but its surprising how many people have such similar experiences. I'm so sorry for your loss and glad it wasn't too painful for you.

I have to go in for more bloods tomorrow so hopefully it'll be down below whatever level the can stop seeing me at.
I am doing okay finally stop crying trying to find the positives. I have a ttc group on facebook and they have been amazing i started the group 2 years ago and all the girls have struggled
I know how scary it is wondering if it could be ectopic etc :( I only have one working ovary and fallopian tube so was really upset they didn't seem to push to quickly get me scanned given that if I had ruptured I'd be in a terrible situation. I know the hospitals see it all the time, but theres no sensitivity half of the time.

So sorry you ladies are going through this xxx
Thanks Laura. So sorry you went through that, I can't imagine how terrified you must be only having the one. It's not the same but I have a swollen left tube and no one knows if it works so I was feeling concerned about that and it's nothing in comparison to your situation.
Hopefully at some point the nhs starts showing a little more compassion. I was surprised as its all female staff and just as a woman Id hope for a little more kindness even though they see it every day.

I started spotting bright red blood yesterday evening and then started getting cramps. Woke up at 3 this morning in horrible pain and bleeding heavier. Just starting to feel a bit less sore now so hopefully the worst is over. I can't wait to have a glass of wine and get to the point I can deal with this mentally
Trivita, it's good to hear you're getting to a more positive place. I hope your group helps you, it's nice to have people there x
Hi sarah been bk to the hospital today my levels were 6 so nearly back to normal so my body has dealt with it itself. It has taken around 6 weeks but now it's all over. It's been an emotional and draining time. Hope ur ok xx

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