Fake Cough??


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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amzhunny was saying in her other thread that Amber does it and Glenn does it too, it is for attention (obviously..lol) i was chatting to my mum and sister on Sunday about it and my sister said there is a little girl at work (she is a nursery nurse) who does it all the time, they have a laugh about it and call her "fag ash lil" i was just wondering how common it is amongs all the forum babes and what age they started it, i think it is rather intelligent that they can think to do it, Glenn is only 6 months (nearly) and he has been "coughing" for about two weeks now, its well fake, we say to him..."awww have you got a poorly cough?" and he does it even more.x
a couple of months ago, my sister had a cough, and everytime she coughed, alice copied.... she was fine at home, just coughed at my mums

she pretends to sneeze now as well. its funny :rotfl: :rotfl:
Isaac started doing it at 9months but after he'd actually had a cold and cough so I think he learnt the attention from him being ill could be gotten with a fake cough. :wink: :lol:
This probably not the same kind of thing, but Ella 'Fake Coughs' everytime she starts crying and has done since a few days old, but I don't think it's an attenion cry..too young!! :lol: It's not from forcing a cry out either..I don't know why she does it?
Arianna still does it if she isn't getting the attention she thinks she should be :roll: :lol:

She also "aaa-chooo" quite a lot!
xrachx said:
amzhunny was saying in her other thread that Amber does it and Glenn does it too, it is for attention (obviously..lol) i was chatting to my mum and sister on Sunday about it and my sister said there is a little girl at work (she is a nursery nurse) who does it all the time, they have a laugh about it and call her "fag ash lil" i was just wondering how common it is amongs all the forum babes and what age they started it, i think it is rather intelligent that they can think to do it, Glenn is only 6 months (nearly) and he has been "coughing" for about two weeks now, its well fake, we say to him..."awww have you got a poorly cough?" and he does it even more.x

Fynn has just started to do the exact same thing...has been doing it for about 4 days now.... its sooooo fake, we find it hilarious!
He does it on a morning in his cot.. and then laughs, he knows he's bein funny...yesterday he hadnt done it for about an hour and when I said 'awww wheres the poorly cough gone'... he did it! Cracked us up :rotfl:
Jake does it when hes laughing, I cant remember when he started though. Makes me laugh :lol:
Yes Imogen does it and as soon as we talk to her and give her attention she stops it and smiles and laughs so she knows what shes doing.
Ellie does it then smiles, I think its kinda of an excited thing for her :) it makes me laugh tho as she seems to do it when u look away! :lol: I dont think she's aware shes doin it tho.
Ryan started doing that at about 6 months, if he did a real cough and we said 'Oh dear' he would do it again and grin, it's so cute :D
Thea started faking at about 6 months. Clever babies!
Paris started doing it around 7 months - she mainly did it mid cry when no one was paying her any attention - she still does it now at nearly 8 just not as often
my mum is a heavy smoker and when hannah used to see her (from about 6 months) she coughed in her face!! (hannah that is lol)
She still does it now, plus she does it if me or OH ever cough or sneezed - she right there with us doing it too.

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