fairyM scan went well!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2009
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hello girls,
just to let you all know that i had my 3 month scan this morn and it went well. nurse said everything looked fine and just gotta wait for my bloodtest results for the downs test.but she looked at the fluid at the back of the neck and she said it looked fine.they actually put me at 13 weeks which is ahead. :?
Baby was sucking its thumb and rubbing its eyes, i could of cried with relief and happiness.I was so nervous and felt sick before i went.
Its got so big, at 8 week scan it was 18mm(4 weeks ago) and now its 12.4cm! the 2 scan images look completely different.so weird but amazing at the same time.
Ive tried putting the scan pic up but ive been trying for ages and it wont let me do it which is annoying.
Thankyou all for your reasurances,i am really grateful.x
Yay Fairy, great news hon! You'll have to come join us in tri 2 now then! You sure about the 12cm? Pretty sure at my scan when they dated 12+2 it was only 5.8cm or something and it's only supposed to be 4in (10cm) now I'm 14 weeks plus...
oh hold on, on the scan pic it says 12.4cm but i assumed that was the length of baby, but on the screen when she was testing it said 9.7cm. so it maybe the 9.7cm then.sorry.(i was getting carried away)that would be about right.
I dont know what the 12.4cm is then which is on the scan pic...any ideas?
dunno hon, maybe it's the scale of the pic? Like that from top to bottom of the whole image is 12cm? Just guessing.
the nurse said i was just over 13 weeks so 9.7cm would be about right wouldnt it.about average.i hope so anyway.x
Well it'll be spot on normal, else she wouldn't have changed your dates - they have like a chart of what measurement means what gestation. So you're either perfect or bean is big for his original dates - either way that's good hon!
thankyou!, do you know if a scan pic tells you what the babys heart rate is at all? or do you have to ask the nurse for that?

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