Fainting During Labour?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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I don't seem to be worrying too much about future contractions, my waters breaking or throwing up! What I am really worrying about is passing out due to the pain. I have in the past had such bad stomach pains due to eating something bad that I have actually fainted with the stomach pains.

I just wondered and please be honest here, if any of you fainted or almost fainted during labour?
i must admit i almost did.
i threw up violently and then fell back on the bed and remember my mum wetting my face and neck with a wet towel and me waking up.
no idea if i had fainted or passed out, or if i just thought i did because the pain was so bad.
tbh id have preffered to have passed out through the whole thing til they handed her to me!!! lol :lol:
Is it true Kim that after you have given birth the pain just goes away? You can tell my times getting nearer can't you! :lol:
well i was in absolute agony all the time while i got to 10cm but then i had to have an epidural because i couldnt take it no more and she was also back to back so i had to have the forceps.. but its the contractions that hurt... and each contraction pushes the baby out further.. so as soon as the baby is out, the contractions stop which in turn stops the pain.

i was fine in between contractions... knackered, but no pain at all... its the contractions that kill!
but as soon as they had got her out, and the epidural had worn off i was completely fine and pain free :hug:
i faint at pain too :rotfl: i faint after getting things pierced or having stitches removed.

I never even thought about fainting during labour :shock: hope i dont
kazlin said:
Is it true Kim that after you have given birth the pain just goes away? You can tell my times getting nearer can't you! :lol:

I never fainted but just wanted to say yes the pain goes so quickly.... if anything I thought delivering the afterbirth was more painful than Arianna - but I was doing it wrong :oops: apparently you're not supposed to push for it, but it didn't feel natural for something that size to come out without pushing :shock: :shakehead: :rotfl:
u missed the after pains then kim cos of epi ! cos it didnt go away straight away , your left with kinda period pains !

and when u start breastfeeding it kills cos it caused your uterus to contract !
G3M said:
u missed the after pains then kim cos of epi ! cos it didnt go away straight away , your left with kinda period pains !

and when u start breastfeeding it kills cos it caused your uterus to contract !

i didnt get any afterpains when breastfeeding :? :?

you do forget about the pains after :)
Kim i never got after pains with Kadyn but did with Kiara :)
G3M said:
u missed the after pains then kim cos of epi ! cos it didnt go away straight away , your left with kinda period pains !

and when u start breastfeeding it kills cos it caused your uterus to contract !

I never had an epi and I was fine... the breast feeding hurts as it helps to contract your uterus
I never got afterbirth pains with Lydia, but I did with Alex. The midwife told me they get worse with subsequent babies.

I never fainted either time though.
i liked the contraction feeling when i was breast feeding, gave me the illusion my tummy was shrinking

I kept passing out during the non-contracting part, then the contractions were so painful which woke me up for a few mins then back to sleep again- I was getting 70'odd mls of oxytocin every min though!

When I first had a go at BF I found that it just felt like a bad period pain.

Don't worry, for me labour was nothing to how stressful BF was!

Tegala-7thMarch08 said:
im sh*tting myself now :shock: :shock: :shock:

Me too. :shock: :shock: :shock: I also never realised bfing could be so painful. I'm off back to Lala Land - I much prefer it there!!!!
i nearly fainted when they were putting a drip in :oops: but i think thats the blood rather than the pain :) i was fine during contractions and i faint with everything. blood tests, piercings, tattoos etc.. so i think you'll b fine :hug:
Tadpole...don't let me put you off breastfeeding (christ almighty..the government would have me fined!)...it's really ok... :shock: apparantly!

Kim&Leah said:
G3M said:
u missed the after pains then kim cos of epi ! cos it didnt go away straight away , your left with kinda period pains !

and when u start breastfeeding it kills cos it caused your uterus to contract !

i didnt get any afterpains when breastfeeding :? :?

Ooo god I did, had to take pain killers all the time cos they we're pretty bad when I was breastfeeding for the first 4-5 days but then they eased. Its ur uterus contracting back to where it was before pregnancy, thats why they say BF helps u loose ur tum quicker i think :)
i remember thinking "lying b**tards!" after melissa came out coz the pain did not suddenly disappear! it was much, MUCH less painful, but it was still there! that was, until the placenta was out! then it DID disappear :D

but breast-feeding did hurt at first, nothing like labour, more like period-pains. but its a good thing, coz u kno its ur tummy pulling flat, and if ur vain like me, thats what u want! :lol:

tbh unfortunately, u will not pass out from the pain! i always thought there was a limit to pain, then u get the luxury of passing out, but now i kno thats not true! :shock:

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