Faint-ish OPK Line?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2011
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Well, i know theres a lot of topics about this and what faint lines mean and all that but i assure you mine is different?.

I have got pictures of the test but im unable to upload them since im at my fiances and i haven't brought my blacberry cable with me being the nonce i am! So ill likely upload them a bit later when im at home.

I took an OPK this morning and got a very faint line, so i just put it down to it being in the morning, so i left it a while and drank very little and did another test an hour ago. It was well within the time limit as it says dont read it after 10 minutes and i read mine at 4 minutes, i brought them off Amazon since they were only around 3 pounds for 10 Ovulation tests and 10 pregnancy tests, so i thought why not.

There definitely is something there and its almost as dark as the control line, but at the same time it has its faintness about it!, its so confusing now i know why there so frustrating! hehe Im totally new to all this predictor kit stuff so im looking for a little light to be shed on this.

Im not sure about cycle lengths and all that since ive not long come off the pill so im a bit all over the place at the moment.

Anythings helpful even if you cant help :)..I know im being a pest hehe!:lol:

Danii x
Someone posted a link to this site recently and I've found it really useful particularly this picture of a 'half line'!!!


Hope that might help!!

From what I can make out on this site and on this forum it seems we all have varying results on OPK's, what's normal (ish) for me will not be the same as someone else!

All very confising!!
Let us know how you get on tomorrow with the OPK!

If it's got quite dark then this evening you may be catching the surge as it goes up :)
Let us know how you get on tomorrow with the OPK!

If it's got quite dark then this evening you may be catching the surge as it goes up :)

Exactly what I was going to say Hun,
P.s. Your not being a pain we are all here to help each other :) xx

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