Failed sweep ~ bloody show?

Mary Poppins

Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2014
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Hi everyone,

So yesterday at 39+6 I went for a sweep. Midwife said outside of cervix was open but inside was shut so she couldn't do it properly.

After moping for an hour I then felt quite liberated by not 'sitting and waiting' for labour, as thought I had until at least maybe Monday, so may aswell relax and enjoy the weekend!

Anyway since about 3 this morning I have lost lots of brown bloody show. As you would expect clumpy, stringy, very blood stained.

Guessing since it's brown it is old stuff dislodging rather than irritation from failed sweep, but now what might this mean?? Could labour be imminent after all?

Thanks for any thoughts or experiences! Xx
After my sweep with Ruby all I lost was the horrible yellow snotty stuff, I never lost anything blood stained (brown or red) until literally around 1am the day she was born (she was born at 11.59pm that night). I would say the sweep was a lot more successful than the midwife thought xx
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I would be inclined to say it sounds hopeful to me! Midwife told me it can take up to 48 hours to work so there's a good chance labour could start yet! Hope this is the start of things for you xx
Thanks ladies. I didn't really understand as she did say she was touching the babies head, but don't get how she would do that if she couldn't get in enough to sweep?! I guess time will tell, would just be nice to know wouldn't it?! A rough date would be lovely ~ haha! xx
I've got my sweep on Saturday and I'm seriously hoping it works or I have to have another the following weekend and then induction! Not losing more plug anymore but this watery discharge instead and it's simply just watery it's annoying. Tomorrow is walking a hell of a lot and scrubbing the kitchen floor as its really in need of it. Fx for you Mary! Xxx
I had loads of bloody show after my first sweep, but only really yellowy this time! So confusing :( xx
Kelly I find it crazy that you can be 3cm and just wandering about carrying on as normal! I know it happens to lots of people but just seems bizarre! I am still loosing some, but not as much today as yesterday xx
It seems odd to me too. Especially as with my son
3cm after 5 hours of contractions and had him 5 hours later! More like 5 bloody weeks this time lol x
I've stopped losing plug now. I went for a walk and had tightenings up my bump and a pain down my left side which I assume is ligament pain? You can have contractions one sided can you? Xxx
Mine started in bottom of bump but all the way across, never had one sided x
Eeek just wanted to wish you guys lots of luck for labour, lots of labour threads please x
Ah thanks Jen.... Clearly the sweep was not successful as still here waiting! Won't be long now though. Hope you and gorgeous griffin are doing well! Xx

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