Face to the name pt 2

DP you are gorgeous don't be silly xx

Lol thanks hun, I'm just a bit nervous of having my photos on the net, anyone could find me on here, If I put another up ill only leave it on for a day it two ;) xx
I know what you mean hun I am often tempted to go delete all photos on here xx
My Avatar is now a year old! So, this was at my 30th a couple of months ago...

Call me self obsessed, I know you can't see my body in this shot, but do I look like I'd be 15st and a size 16 (which I am..... :( )?


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Certainly not lander, you look lovely and quite familiar actually, although I don't.know why as I know we have never met lol xx
Certainly not lander, you look lovely and quite familiar actually, although I don't.know why as I know we have never met lol xx

it's ok, I had a vague hint of the same feeling when I saw your pic too ;)

I always wonder if it's a past life thing lol

Where do you live?
Ha ha I was thinking just the same, I'm in north Wales but grew up on the Wirral x
Past life is a distinct possibility then as I've only been to Newport in Wales :blush:
This is me and matthew! Really not a good pic of me, but only one I have on my phone!



  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk1314692022.982766.jpg
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Ippa you look so different to how I imagined you lol gorgeous pic x
Aww thanks! Haha how did you think I looked? I'm intrigued!


Me with my new obbession!!

Had to join in with you lovely pretty ladies =DDD

PS. sorry about the size- still not worked out how to make them smaller.... bit of a slow learner! xxxx
That's it - just had a look through and there is no chance I'm posting a pic of myself. You are all just too gorgeous!!!!! tee hee
was pregnant and didnt know in this pic haha most recent one i have though :/ x


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awwwwh come on Kerry!!!!!!

Get us a bump pic youngmummy!!! like a before, bump, and after thing =D hehhee

Pretty ladies here =DD love being able to faces to names xxxx

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