eye colour


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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i was just wondering when your bubs eye colour changed, summer is nearly 3months now and has really beautiful deep blue eyes, she has my eyes but that is about it lol. looks so much like her daddy

do u think they will stay blue or change
my OH has green eyes

skyraaa said:

i was just wondering when your bubs eye colour changed, summer is nearly 3months now and has really beautiful deep blue eyes, she has my eyes but that is about it lol. looks so much like her daddy

do u think they will stay blue or change
my OH has green eyes


We're wondering the same as we're blue (me) and green (OH) too.

My OH's eyes didn't go green until he was 4 years old!!!! :shock:
If your kid has a particular colour by 9 months it will usually stay that colour although in rare cases they can change after that right up to 5 years old. Usually though they will change hue rather than colour so if they had blue eyes, flecks of green might appear. But usually by a year old the colour is set. :D
millie's eyes were bright blue when she was born just like her daddy's, but within weeks they had darkened a lot. and they always looked brown on photos, bizarrely! they have turned brown now, but only just become fully brown as opposed to ambiguous. and on photos of me and her together (i have very dark brown eyes) mine make hers look blue in comparison.

i'd say if after 3 months still bright blue chances are very high they will stay that way.

depends on the parents' eye colour too- there are technicaly only two colours, brown and blue. hazel is just a variant of brown and gray and green are just variants of blue. blue eyed people can only pass on blue eyed gene, brown eyed people may pass on a brown eyed gene or a blue eyed gene if they are a carrier (like me! and millie!) if one of your parents has passed you a blue eye gene and one has passed you a brown eye gene, the dominant brown will be your eye colour, but you're a carrier for blue so could pass on either to your child.

i'm such a geek lol this is so interesting to me :lol:

so with millie it was 50/50 and all down to me and what i passed onto her! i know i'm a blue carrier coz my mums eyes are blue. millie's a carrier too as my boyfs are blue. so coz she got my brown gene instead of my blue one its the one that shows up coz brown is dominant.

so if your OH's eyes are green (blue, technically) there is at least 50% chance of a blue eyed child. if yours are green/blue, chances are 99.9%. if yours are brown u need to find out what colour your parents and grandparents are :lol:

sorry for woffling :oops:
awww thank u trixipaws that was very interestin didnt know that, im thinkin now summers eyes r likely 2 say blue yay lol xx

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