Little Ones eye colour?

More than one gene dictates eye colour, it's not as simple as a single dominant or recessive gene. Brown is the most common colour in humans and this led people to think this was dominant but studies have revealed this to be false. Apologies, I'm an eye nerd ;) x

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
More than one gene dictates eye colour, it's not as simple as a single dominant or recessive gene. Brown is the most common colour in humans and this led people to think this was dominant but studies have revealed this to be false. Apologies, I'm an eye nerd ;) x

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S

Oh more info please :yay:

Hubby green (just green) and I'm dark blue

Eldest - dark blue
2nd- blue
3rd - hazelly/greeny/ browny :lol:
4th - pale blue
5th - palest blue
6th - greeny/hazelly

How would you explain that? X
I thought all babies had blue eyes up til a certain age?

My oldest has green eyes like me & Kayden has blue eyes - my OH has brown eyes & I always thought brown would be more dominant than green.


Most not all. Paige was born with the darkest brown nearly black eyes x
Cahal has the strangest eyes, they seem to change depending on what he's wearing, sometimes they look blue, sometimes green and sometimes brown! In photos they are slate grey, so if people ask I say grey. It's funny when I ask others what colour they think they are, they always go ermmm, errr...not sure!
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Is it possible for say 2 brown eyed parents to have a blue eyed child cosmic?
There is a gene called OCA2 gene and this has a big part to play in eye colour. It controls the amount of melanin pigment produced and this is partly what causes eye colour variations.
This gene itself is also effected by other genes! :shock:
There are three single nucleotide polymorphisms (like single letters in a chain) in a DNA sequence near the OCA2 gene that effect the eye colour. This makes things more complicated as different letters in the chain influence the OCA2 gene which in turn influences eye colour variation.

Eyes are my life lol xx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
Isn't that weird? I never knew that cosmic :) It's deadly cool :)

Do you know anything about what determines right and left handed-ness? X
Scientists don't know for sure what determines whether a person is left or right handed. The most commonly believed theory is that you have a more dominant brain hemisphere.
There is always an argument for genetics, that lefties run in the family, again just theory.
I can tell you that most have a dominant eye! It usually is the same as your dominant hand but not always.
Get someone to take a picture of you, with a proper camera with a lens. Put your finger up so it is in front of the lens (not touching, you're about 1 metre away)
When you look at the photo your finger will be in front of your dominant eye! A lot of great sportsmen have no dominant eye and there finger would appear bang in the centre of their two eyes! xx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
Another fun one to check dominance is to hold your hands in front of you. Make a small triangle with your hands. Get something small like a door knob etc so you can see it through the triangle, right in the middle of the gap iykwim. Close your left eye, if the object is still visible in the middle of the triangle then your right is your dominant eye.
Told you I'm an eye geek :) xx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
E has blue/green/brown eyes....all depends on what she is wearing and the weather. She has loads of browns specs on her irises...3 on one.
Sounds like little spots of pigmentation, lots of greeny/blue eyes have them x

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
There is a gene called OCA2 gene and this has a big part to play in eye colour. It controls the amount of melanin pigment produced and this is partly what causes eye colour variations.
This gene itself is also effected by other genes! :shock:
There are three single nucleotide polymorphisms (like single letters in a chain) in a DNA sequence near the OCA2 gene that effect the eye colour. This makes things more complicated as different letters in the chain influence the OCA2 gene which in turn influences eye colour variation.

Eyes are my life lol xx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S

So if i'm right handed then my dominant eye 'should' be the right one?! Thats me buggared because thats the eye I see worst out of! lol Fascinating stuff! x
'should' be but it's not a given. Some find out its their other eye and some have total balance and equally dominant eyes, this is quite rare though xx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
That is called crossed dominance btw ;) xx
ie left handed but right eye dominant for example x

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
Ooo how fascinating! I just tried the triangle thing and my left eye is more dominant, (i'm right handed) couldn't believe the difference!

Sorry cosmic, i hope you don't mind me asking but What is the cause of stigmatism (is that it?) I know it's quite popular isn't it?
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Oh I done the triangle too :lol: my right eye is more dominant :)

I'm short sighted plus I have a stigmatism :eh: not sure what it means...
Astigmatism simply means that your eye is more rugby ball shaped than round. You can be either long sighted or short sighted and have some astigmatism or just have some astigmatism.
A short sighted eye is a slightly longer eye so the images you see fall slightly short of the retina (seeing part at the back of the eye) and longsighted eyes are shorter so the image falls too far back.
It's all about the shape and length of your eyes. Think ray diagrams in physics xx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
Ezzie has blue eyes and blonde hair like me her "dad" has dark hair and amber coloured eyes that attracted me t ohim in the first place completely unusual kinda glad she has mine otherwise i would just see him all the time. xXx
Is it possible for say 2 brown eyed parents to have a blue eyed child cosmic?

That is us, me and OH have brown eyes and AJ has blue.
AJ is also left handed like his Daddy.

I did the triangle thing and it works for me, right hand/eye :) x

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