

Active Member
Feb 11, 2011
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I'm a bit of a gym freak - I go about 4/5 times a week. This time last year I was 3.5 st heavier than I am now. Now I'm pregnant I'm a bit worried about putting on alot of weight. Obviously I know I'll put on some. I enjoy exericsing but over the last week I didn't get to the gym because I felt so crap. I was nauseous alot of the time and really tired by the time I'd finished work for the day. I did go on Wednesday but managed 10 mins on the treadmill before I had to get off.

Anyways my question is what exercise do you do whilst you are pregnant? I have read alot of conflicting information so I just want to see what everyone else does. I'm going to wait to see how I feel this week but the past couple of days haven't been bad so hopefully I'll get back to the gym at some point this week but just not sure what to do. Also don't really want to ask the instructors at this point as I'm only 5 weeks gone.
I have been told only do what your body is used to doing. So like if you went out jogging before you were pregnant then its fine. Swimming is good as far as i know.

I asked when I saw my dr and he said to carry on as normal, as I was going 4 to 5 times a week. He just said not to do high impact sports which I didn't really do anyhow.

However since then I have felt like crap and not been able to go. All I've done is swimming as it's all I've felt up to, there is no way that I could have gone to the gym. I personally feel it's just important to listen to your body and so if your not feeling great it's not worth it.

Ive my fingers crossed I'll start feeling better in the next few weeks and can get back to the gym, as I too am determined not to put too much weight on, having struggled with my weight all my life.

Hope your feeling better soon
I was a bit of a fitness freak before I got pregnant I used to do a lot of cycling between 40-60K a ride, which was at least three, four times a week, I also did jogging and swimming on the days i didnt go cycling or sometime i would do both. but since becoming pregnant i managed it up until I was about 10 weeks then i just couldn't do it any longer as i was so tired in the evenings ( which is when i would do all of the above) I also started having bleeds at about 12 weeks which put me off too as i thought doing any form of exercise might make it worse. esp as I didnt know the cause of it. This went on for about four weeks until I finally got into the hosptial and found out the cause, which was nothing serious and wouldnt have made any difference to it if i had continued jogging etc.. So i did try but after that I always had it in the back of my mind, along with the fact that I might fall or something. So since then i have been a lay about. I can see I'm getting bigger and feel yuk some days and horrible for not doing anything, So I have recently bought a pregnancy pilates dvd :lol: which i have yet to start. Basically you can do what your body is used to doing as long as you feel up to it :).

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