Exercise Ball


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
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I've got an exercise ball and am just wondering if anyone uses them and if so, what sort of exercises us pregnant ladies can do with them?

Thanks girls xxx
I've got one thats been deflated, I got it for my bad back, dont know any exercises but I wanna find out too!!

I've got one thats been deflated, I got it for my bad back, dont know any exercises but I wanna find out too!!


Mines been deflated for a while too, think it's time to inflate it again but don't know what to do with it!! All i've heard is that pregnant women bounce on it!!! :lol:
I've been getting really really bad hip pain, i have to walk around the house clinging onto things coz of it, do you really think it would help?

Might sort it over the w/end.

It's worth a go Littlemiss. I've been referred for physio so hoping that will help and that they will give me a bump support.
Do u go to physio MrsMc?
I was going to physio before I fell pregnant. Not been since I got my BFP. But i've got an appointment with a different physio next week so hoping to get some pregnancy exercises.

And guess what??? I pumped my ball up!! I only went into the wardrobe to make sure I could find it & before I knew it, it was blew up, only took a couple of mins. Done some hip rotations but didn't feel like I was doing much, not sure if my ball is hard enough :shock:
I sometimes just sit and watch tv on it, helps keep your back straight. I do bounce and rotate as well, you can also squeeze your thighs together while sitting on it and squeeze your pelvic floor at the same time.
Yey! Go Littlemiss!!!!! Good luck for Physio too hun, let us know if she tells you any good exercies :)

Sarah, thigh squeezes and pelvic floor sound like a good idea, will give them a go when i've got my ball pumped up, thanks! xxx
ive heard bouncing on them is supposed to help baby get into the right position for birth and can help bring on labour near the end

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