Excuse me, has anyone seen my brain??


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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I honestly thought pregnancy brain was a myth! My mom had told me that you become very forgetful but I could never have imagined this.
I can easily forget a conversation I had 5 minutes ago and I am becoming such a liability at work :shock: ! I actually used to pride myself on the fact I could remember anything and the other girls in the office would ask me questions all the time because they knew I would know the answer, now when they ask I just stare at them blankly!!

Has anyone seen Finding Nemo, because I feel like Dory!!!!!!!
evemarie8 said:
Has anyone seen Finding Nemo, because I feel like Dory!!!!!!!

:rotfl: Yep me too! :roll:

I phoned a work colleague earlier to tell them about something work related then phoned them again 20 mins later and told them again :shock:
OH finds it quite amusing. I was talking about his friend called Jack, I'd mentioned him a few times before he asked who Jack was.

I meant Andy :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: Yep same here my OH cracks up at me too and i must say even i laugh about it :D
I reckon your brain will be stored away in a box somewhere gathering dust just like mine! :lol:
Meezie said:
I reckon your brain will be stored away in a box somewhere gathering dust just like mine! :lol:

That would make sense! I bet it's in my loft with everything else I have misplaced!! :roll:
Glad it is not just me.... I cannot remember simple words for stuff, even if I have the object in my hand. I wanted to borrow some ones stapler at work the other day and stood there doing stapler actions for about a minute before she managed to guess what I was after as I could not think what it was called..... only one day to go thank god! :dance:
Eve schmeeve you never said bye to me in tri 2 :cry: *sob sob* you've abandonificated me, I am not happified :( (I should start my own dictionary)
Girls, dont worry...its a very common thing in pregnancy and I researched it fully when I was PG...its called CRAFT syndrome.....


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

It doesnt get any better when baby is born I am afraid, I am still suffering now :oops: (I am blonde though so people male allowances for me :wink: )
frangelle said:
Eve schmeeve you never said bye to me in tri 2 :cry: *sob sob* you've abandonificated me, I am not happified :( (I should start my own dictionary)

Smelle, don't panic, theres no point me saying goodbye because you know I wont be able to resist bugging you forever :lol:
I have already been in tri 2 this morning and we will always have off topic :rotfl:
Rubys mummy said:
Girls, dont worry...its a very common thing in pregnancy and I researched it fully when I was PG...its called CRAFT syndrome.....


Do you think I can get signed off work for that???? :rotfl:
Worth a try :wink: :rotfl: Look serious when you tell them, and say its a VERY serious condition :rotfl:
Rubys mummy said:
Worth a try :wink: :rotfl: Look serious when you tell them, and say its a VERY serious condition :rotfl:

Well I wouldn't be lying!!?? :roll:

I put dirty washing in the tumble dryer this morning instead of the washing machine, it was on for 20 minutes until my OH realised!!! :wall:
i am suffering with this too!! its very frustrating not being able to remember words etc all the time!!
I was so worried about it I mentioned it to my consultant and he said not to worry it is perfectly normal for women to become "bovine" it is due to progesterone! BOVINE!!!!!! how bloody rude! :shock: Was he calling me an old cow?? or is it actually mad cow disease itself???
Peachy said:
I was so worried about it I mentioned it to my consultant and he said not to worry it is perfectly normal for women to become "bovine" it is due to progesterone! BOVINE!!!!!! how bloody rude! :shock: Was he calling me an old cow?? or is it actually mad cow disease itself???

:rotfl: :rotfl: BOVINE??????????????????????????????

I have just looked it up in an on-line dictionary and this it what it said:

2: slow or stupid in a way that a cow is thought to be:
e.g. He had a gentle, rather bovine expression.

:rotfl: Cheeky Git!!!
Shit! ive had this all my life not just pregnancy :rotfl:

Is there a cure?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Find me a suitabvle brain and im up for it.

Do not want pammies, jodie marshes or chantelle (off BB) brains!

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