My brain resembles a small sieve!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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I cannot believe how much pregnancy has affected my brain, memory and normally fairly good intelligence (oh and my driving which I generally pride myself on)!

Over the last few weeks, I have made so many mistakes, or forgotten to do things, and even my spelling, and vocabulary has changed for the worse!

The worst thing I have done so far is when we moved back from France, I forgot to bring the key for our UK house, so we arrived after a 12 hour journey and couldnt get in the house, I then remembered our neighbour had a key - but unfortunately they were away!!

In the end I called the Estate Agent who was marketing our house (it was 6.30pm by this point) and luckily he was still in the office, and was able to bring us a key!!!!

Anyone else done any really stupid things recently (please tell me Im not alone).............
i've had to go out & buy a diary! i don't even have that much written in it but it really helps remember day to day stuff.
feels a bit stupid only starting one in august, haha.
When on phone duty the other day at work, I told a caller that his contact has left the company and emigrated to the US. He hadn't. That was another guy with the same first name. Fortunately I noticed before the caller had hung up. V embarassing.
Im always forgetting things! I miss appointments and tell people Im going to see them then dont, worse one was my dad phoning me and telling me my uncle was in hospital and in a bad way! I got off the phone and forgot the whole convo! My sis, my OH and my mam all asked what my dad said when he called (he was living in Spain at the time so we rarely see him) and I was like oh nothing much just that he may be moving back to the UK! 2 weeks later I remembered because I saw a man who resembled my uncle and it hit me! I felt so bad! I called the hospital and they told me he had been discharged! :( We didnt even visit him because I forgot!? How do you forget something like that lol
My brain resmbles a very large sieve! :lol: I can't even finish sentences now and remembering events in the future is near on impossible. I have had to write lists and just put everything in my calendar and try to cope!
Oh great another mistake........ordered a new washing machine and tumble dryer last week, matching set in white.......well I thought they were white, turns out I ordered the washing machine in White and the Dryer in Silver!!!!!

I cant wait to find out what other mistakes I have made :D
I was telling people at work about my new car and how it was a turbo diesel. I just couldn't remember the word for turbo so said it had a "zoom feature" they just looked at me strangely!

Wait until the baby arrives, your mind becomes worse. I remember bumping into some friends from work just after our little one was born and introducing them to my OH, when it came to saying their names I just couldn't remember them, it was so, so embarassing. :oops:

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