excited about tomorrow :)


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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We go for the second scan tomorrow when i should be around 6 and a bit weeks to see babys heartbeat :) hope hes alright in there!. This past week and a bit to see if everythings ok has gone SO slowly!

Iv been having mad cravings for ice and ice pops, just gone through 7 of them! lol

Oh and I was complaining of having no sickness and now all day and all night im feeling sick, the only time i get rest it when im alseep its awful. id rather be sick and get it over with than feel SO sick all day. its horrible!
All these symptoms are the exact same as I had with my little boy with my daughter i had no sicknesss and craved sweets constantly lol so maybe its a little boy :p :)

Hope everyone else it doing ok!
Although i had a TINY bit of pinky stained cm after having sexy time earlier but im hoping thats just from nudging something?
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Oh good luck for your scan tomorow Hun

Don't worry about the CM - that's just the nookie doing that

piccys please tomorow - we love them
thankyou,Ohh I will ill ask if she can print of a few of lol :)
and yeah i thought so, didnt want to start panicking like i normally do.
Good luck lily, your total opposite to me I had no sickness with the boys and bad with my girl. How come your having an early scan? Hope it all go's well xxxx
Yeah i always here it be the other way round for boys and girls, but im just starnge haha
And i had lots of tummy pains and a bit of bleeing, went to see the doctor and she sent me for a scan, last week. but seemed to be to early to see a baby, but saw sac etc so sending me for another tomorrow :)
Good Luck I was spotting and having a little pink or brown discharge after sexy time which resulting in me being sent for a early scan. The nurse and doc said its were your cervix fills with blood ready for baby and then it gets knocked during sex causing a little bleed. xxx
good luck please let us know how u get on
So I had my scan and everything's fine. Saw babas heartbeat :) so happy now and we got some pics as well Wich I'll put on later :D they put me forward now to 7 weeks today too!

My ickle blobs lol
Aww just seen this lily glad all was ok bless your little blob, and great news on getting put forwards everyone seems to get put back xxxx
Lilly how do u put ur pic on? I wana put mine on but i cant :( xx
download photobucket app onto your phone from app store.
then upload pic onto your account on there (set up an account for free) then copy the image link onto a new thread. :)
gld everything is ok with bubba hun xx
So glad everything was ok. Looks like we have all had a similar experience. xx

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