

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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hi ya, just some advice, only 1st month ttc and so trying not to get too worked up and taking it all too seriously. not doing opk or anything like that at the mo.

i got the ewcm for a couple of days starting from day 10 of my cycle- does this mean im likely to be ovulating? (never ever noticed it until this month) i have very variable cycles and they tend to be rather long so i guess im just wondering if thats my fertile period over for this month but is it rather early in a long cycle?

not been measuring my cycle for that long but its been between 35 and 42 days (has always been long). i know im unlikely to be lucky this time and i dont want to waste a test but its so hard to stop thinking about it. hoping to wait for 45days before i test. i know u can start testing at say 10days post ovulation but u are likely to get false negatives if u were pregnant. would this apply to someone with long cycles out of interest as id still be way off a period at 10days post ovulation and so much longer than a 2ww!

sorry for all the questions!! i must not test until im late, i must not test until im late (!!)
If your cycles are typically 35+ days then I don't think the CM you are describing is fertile EWCM. It's normal to get a whole range of CM throughout the cycle, and perhaps if you've only just started monitoring it you may think its EWCM when its not? You tend to get EWCM prior to ovulation which would be around 10-16 days before your next period.

Although women's cycles can vary dramatically in length, the luteal phase (from ovulation to period) doesn't tend to vary much. So, if your cycles are 35 days long (and you are actually ovulating) you won't ovulate until around day 20, with EWCM possibly appearing a few days before.

Yes you can test from 10 DPO and get a positive result even if you have longer cycles, although for most women they won't get the positive result until the day their period is due.

Hope this helps.
hi ya thanx for ur reply- u r right iv never noticed anything before so maybe my brain is getting carried away!!
think we will keep on BDing until AF comes and if i get to 45days and she hasnt then will do a test!!

and then start taking more notice next month!

thankyou x
It must be really frustrating, the 2ww is bad enough for those who only have to wait 2 weeks. :(

You could get yourself some cheap preg tests to fuel your addiction, then it doesn't matter if you are 'wasting' them, and it will scratch your itch for testing.

Some ladies buy them online, I found one in 'savers'- a cheap chemist's- for 99p :)

I know being an addict is very sad, so if you can resist being as bad as me/others for testing, it would probably be better :lol:
do u know what i was just thinking that

h2b bought some expensive digital ones that iv been determined not to use!! maybe the odd sneaky cheap one will get me thru the next few weeks- its so annoying as my last period was the 9th august (tho for some reason i think its the 5th and am convincing myself i wrote it down wrong). as im so irregular i was hoping because of the discharge i was having a short cycle

iv created every symptom :D lots of cramps and my god my boobs seem huge today heheehh. im so convinced im pregnant maybe a BFN will get me to back to reality and stop me thinking about it all the time!!!

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