Everyone nearly ready for there bubbas?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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How is everyone doing for the baby stuff...?

ive got more a less everything! just need baby towels, a changing mat, the baby sling and some bedding..

but my ex needs to bring my cotbed and my mother get my moses basket then im all ready....

arghh i cant believe how quick its gone, and now ive got a storage of mothercare in my living room, seems 2 minutes since my ++ test, not long and ill be feeding my lil princess!
Yep pretty much all ready to go.....

Getting stand for moses basket today and my nursing bras (dread to think what booby size il be now!)

Also looking at getting a cot top changer if we have enough cash before chrimbo.

Then just gotta move into our new pad :cheer: get the paint on the walls, curtains up etc in the nursery and wahey its showtime!!
baby stuff is ready... i just need 'cosmetics' and to finish painting!
:oops: Im nearly ready, just got to wash her stuff now, put it away and put her moses basket up in the bedroom :D

Then she can come lol
I'm almost ready! :D Just in the process of washing all his clothes and bedding the i can start to pack a bag. Just need things for myself really for the hospital then i'm done. I know i still have 8 weeks left but i want to be ready before christmas incase he comes early.
I'm almost there. Just mattress left to buy.
Picking up pram today (hooray) and OH is busy moving furniture so we can finally get nursery sorted in next couple of weeks. I want to have everything sorted by Christmas so that I can sit on the sofa and not move through January!
Almost ready I think. Need to go through my list again and pack my bag, although I want a home birth, but won't know if I can until I have my scan in week and a half.

Picked up my travel system yesterday and played with that for an hour! :cheer:

Just got to finish clearing up our spare bedroom, put up the cot bed and put away all of the clothes which my Mum washed for me. I have a few other bits to wash but nothing to major.

Oh and I need to buy my breathing monitor and baby monitor.

So maybe I am not so ready as I thought! :think:
Just need to finish packing my bag for hospital then they can come whenever they please! :cheer:
everything sorted just have to put a few "bits" into the hospital bag!
Hi Ladies

I just wanted to pop back and wish everyone the best with the rest of their pregnancies and births.

I look forward to hearing your birth stories.

Take care :D
Yep, think so :oops: just need my nursing bras and to wash a few things.
just ordered my pram, need to get a few bits now for labour, nighties and nursing bra's etc, and then get packed and waiting :D

cant put cotbed up til after xmas when we get laptop as pc table currently taking up the space where it will go LOL
ebony_preggy said:
Vicki83 said:
Just need to finish packing my bag for hospital then they can come whenever they please! :cheer:

u having twins?

NO!! I just look as if i am! I don't like saying "it" as we don't know the sex so i say they for some reason!
we are actually really organised, the nursery is finished i have basic clothes for the baby, and everything else, need a little more bedding and my nursing bras nearer the time. obviously i do not want my baby to come for a while yet!!

some of you ladies are so close. :cheer:

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