Is everyone ready for the new arrival?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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All i've got to do is wash the moses basket sheets/blankets etc and the bouncy seat cover and that's me.. totally ready.

Had mine and little one's hospital bags packed for a couple of weeks now.

I seem to be aiming towards getting everything ready for 37 weeks, rather than 40 weeks lol.

Sounds like you're really organised. I feel like I am, but still got a bit to do. Need to pack hospital bags, wash crib sheets, iron last load of baby clothes. Plus I have loads of other stuff to organise in the house before he comes, we just found a huge patch of damp :cry: , so the baby really needs to stay in until we get that sorted. xx
well we have pretty much everything from when we had James. Its just a question of getting it all out and wipe down. I have washed all James's baby clothes and they are hanging in Olivers wardrobe now :)

All we need to get are nappies. Everything else we already have from James!

Poor kid and his hand-me-downs already! :lol:
I'm nowhere near blooming ready,l but I've still got plenty time left!

*Hopefully I don't jinx myself by saying that!*
my time has just been cut from up to 50 days to closer to 25 days so we are currently having a mad panic!!

just sorted all the baby clothes out and can not find alices old mosy basket sheets!!! nooo idea where they are.

tomorrow it packing hospital bags. next week its cooking dinners to freeze.
Im all ready now, apart from packing a couple of things in my bag which we just bought today........ :D
I "think" ive only got a few little items left to buy but nothing mega. Starting doing my hospital bag so will prob need to buy afew bits for that as well. wanna start washing all the stuff BUT its too early :(
i've bought everything i think im going to need (and a ton of stuff i prob wont ever need) all i've got left to get is bedding for moses basket - tomorrow's plan , and a changing mat.

need to wash all baby's clothes... which i'll d this week whilst parents are away, and before i move into my new flat.

umm started packing a hospital bag of sorts today :D

in terms of am i ready for a baby in my life ... i dont know, im really scared :cry:
claire_louise said:
i've bought everything i think im going to need (and a ton of stuff i prob wont ever need) all i've got left to get is bedding for moses basket - tomorrow's plan , and a changing mat.

need to wash all baby's clothes... which i'll d this week whilst parents are away, and before i move into my new flat.

umm started packing a hospital bag of sorts today :D

in terms of am i ready for a baby in my life ... i dont know, im really scared :cry:

Im really scared as well.... my hormones seem to even more all over the place this past week and im so up and down its unreal. One moment I get this grin on my face thinking about what it will be like when I get to meet him and the next time im sat wanting to or crying about the fact of "can I cope" and then I think 12 weeks and then labour b4 I even get him, can I cope with labour etc etc my heads a whirlwind at the min....
I don't know if I'm ready or not, tbh. Practically - I've only got a few little bits and bobs left to buy. Haven't prepared a bag yet. Nor have we visited the birthing centre and decided for sure if we're having bub there but I think we are. Heh. Waiting for my nesting instinct to kick in. Need to blitz house. Hope the nesting instinct will help in that regard cos, as it stands, I don't feel overly motivated to clean.

Emotionally - I feel a bit overwhelmed to be honest. Alternating between impatience/wanting to meet him or her and hoping I go overdue so that I've got more time :?
MrsBrightside said:
Im really scared as well.... my hormones seem to even more all over the place this past week and im so up and down its unreal. One moment I get this grin on my face thinking about what it will be like when I get to meet him and the next time im sat wanting to or crying about the fact of "can I cope" and then I think 12 weeks and then labour b4 I even get him, can I cope with labour etc etc my heads a whirlwind at the min....

OMG hun seriously i could have writen that! thats exactly how im feeling! this morning i was sat almost in tears wondering if i'd be able to love my LO enough, then this afternoon im washing all her clothes, thinking about how cute she's going to look, and counting the days till i meet her.
claire_louise said:
MrsBrightside said:
Im really scared as well.... my hormones seem to even more all over the place this past week and im so up and down its unreal. One moment I get this grin on my face thinking about what it will be like when I get to meet him and the next time im sat wanting to or crying about the fact of "can I cope" and then I think 12 weeks and then labour b4 I even get him, can I cope with labour etc etc my heads a whirlwind at the min....

OMG hun seriously i could have writen that! thats exactly how im feeling! this morning i was sat almost in tears wondering if i'd be able to love my LO enough, then this afternoon im washing all her clothes, thinking about how cute she's going to look, and counting the days till i meet her.

Yip exactly like me hun :hug: I sometimes think while im doing baby stuff that im doing it so as not to sit down and think about the labour too much, ya know? but then I look in my wardrobe and see his little bits hanging up and think awwww I cant wait. I think its just all of the "un known" if you know what I mean
We got pretty much the last of what we need yesterday. We just need to wait for the cloth nappies and cot to be delivered now. We realised we should be prepared when we heard that someone we know, who was due at the same time as me, had her baby a few days ago.
I have still got quite a few things left to get yet.I should really be more prepared though as went into labour at 30 weeks with my first child out of the blue and I am now 27 weeks with my third.
I am ok for clothes as kept all of my daughter's but still to get the pushchair and a few other things.
Must get organised!
The baby's bag is ready but mine isn't yet. Emotionally for me it's like a roller coaster as well :hug:

I'm all excited one min and scared to death the next. I'm always full of questions and doubts and anxious I won't be good enough as a mummy or that I will harm my baby in any way....
Almost there, cot is being delivered tomorrow and then were about ready :D wanted to get ready early

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