evening sickness


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
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hello ladies,

just wondering if anyone else is suffering evening sickness, more than morning sickness. I wake up feeling pretty much okay...maybe a little nauseous before eating breakfast and lunch then it passes. but as evening comes around I find myself feeling really weak, tired and very very queasy. I just can't face my evening meal most days, and manage only a few mouthfuls.

find myself curled up in my pj's in front of the TV feeling sorry for myself, headaches and a very prominent sicky feeling that I just can't budge (milky drinks, crackers and ginger biscuits all tried and tested)

It's manageable, just miserable! nice chance to unwind after a long day and spend time with my boyfriend but I'm either cradling my sore head or a sick bowl...so romantic!

I'm about 11 weeks now :) any thoughts appreciated. Rachael Xx
Morning sickness is a stupid name. It should be called any time of he sodding day, sometimes all of the day, sometimes none of the day for. Few days than every sodding hour thereafter sickness
Tri hopping from tri3, I was exactly the same as you describe. It was rubbish and i begrudged the fact I felt OK at work then not at home. It eased by 14-15 weeks although I'd still say evenings are far from my best time now. xx
Mine is any time sickness. As I've said in previous posts, mine tends to be at its worst when I'm tired x
definitely been given the wrong name your right....I've been so nauseous all day. glad to hear it eases a little, looking forward to that day very much! Xx
Sometimes it just goes away! I was 30 weeks pregnant before mine went away but i was phsically sick 5 times a day until that 30 week mark, but a lot of people I know didnt suffer with it that far into the pregnancy, then youll go into labour and throw up all over again haha - pregnancy really can be challenging! xx
I was sick for 9 monh morning noon and night. Mostly noon time for me though, a wee bit sick in the mornings, sick from like 12-3 then sometimes sick at night :lol:

aww no...awful isn't it. well looks like I could be in for a long sicky journey! hopefully it eases...I'll try and be positive!

thank you for sharing your experiences! was there anything you ate/drank that would help it subside a little? Xx
Mmm not for me, avoid anything acidic. Fruit usually set me off.

Some people use the travel sickness bands.

Keep hydrated, nice cold water.

I just found eating in general really helped and I drank gaviscon straight from the bottle because that helped as well lol dont think that is recommended though! xx
I did that plus i was on omeprazole...

Gaviscon is vile, thought gives me shivers!

haha I think even the thought of that makes me feel queasy!

I drink milk before sleep, always have(sound like a baby myself 😂) I find that helps a little for throughout the night and maybe a cold glass in the morning too. lots of calcium...but I must admit I'm not the best at drinking water. I need to start.

I'll bear in mind the acidic idea though and avoiding that...thank you Xx
Yeah I stuck to mostly dairy in pregnancy as it was easier on my stomache - everything with sugar in just felt so acidic! Milk is good xxx
yeah it seems a good idea...having a glass of milk now. can't face my tea, it's that time again where I just feel so physically drained, tired and nauseous. I even managed a nap this afternoon to see if I woke a little more refreshed but I feel just as bad now....hmmm

In other news, looking forward to my next scan on the 6th, makes it all seem worth it :) Xx
Mine seems to have calmed down today(first time in 3 weeks!) I've gone off cordial juice completely :-( just drinking water now, haven't napped today either. But I was horrendous yesterday didn't eat until 9pm (1 cucumber sandwich:actually rather nice! ) hope I'm starring to settle down now,on a plus got my first MW app on Thursday!!!x

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