morning sickness


New Member
Jul 4, 2007
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I've called it morning sickness but I seem to get it all day and evening. i know this is my third pregnancy but has anyone got any natural remedies they can recommend for the nausea? I haven't physically been sick but just feel as if I have just got off a fair ride. The feeling goes just after eating but is back within half an hour! :(
ive been told to use them travel sickness wrist bands? have u tried them? or ginger nut biscuits can help.

Hope this helps hun.
ive been drinking ginger ale.. low cal one from tecos tastes great and really helps.. also i hear the ginger root grated in boiling water is supposed to be really really good too.. ginger nut biscuits never worked for the same as u.. sickness giddyness head ache and tiredness lasting from moment i wake to moment i sleep.. its horrible..
I used travel sickness bands. I don't know if they made much of a difference, but was too scared to take them off just incase. xx
i used sugar free lollies - the boiled sweet kind
I tried the ginger cubes you can get in holland and barrett. Unless you really like ginger a lot, I really wouldn't recommend them. I started eating one and had to spit it out and rinse my mouth out as it was so rank.

But yeah, for me, any sort of sweets like chewy haribo's, ginger biscuits, or jam sandwiches..? I don't know why, for me my morning sickness just got a lot better with sugary things. Have heard boiled sweets are good too as they take the saliva away from your mouth - the excess saliva that pregnancy creates makes any sickness that you have feel worse.
I find fizzy drinks really good, although be prepared for lots of burping - usually helps me feel better! :D
Ive found that ginger biscuits and ginger ale work quite well
Also.. peppermint chewing gum

Also helps me if i eat something every couple of hours (not big meals just small snacks.. like dry crackers or my ginger biscuits)
I had sickness early on in my pregnancy, I was taking just Folic Acid tablets.
Then I changed my tablets to pregacare (or all in one tablet) and since then I have had no sickness.
Now this might be a pure coincidence, but a few people on here have said exactly the same.
:cheer: :cheer:

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