Evening activities


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
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I was wondering what everyone else does with their evening time, once the children are in bed etc.
When my two have gone to sleep I find myself twiddling my thumbs and browsing here and facebook constantly! I love this site, there are so many nice people, and me and OH have decided we will TTC in about 12-18 months when I have finished college and got a job, but in the meantime I just don't know what to do with myself! I am so bored!
Is there anything anyone can recommend? :)
I make cards, write tutorials (on card making techniques), do scrapbooking or artist trading cards (ATC's). I rarely watch tv.
im the same as you happyalice once jaydes in bed im bored :(
Just dont take up rubber stamping, you'll never have any money!!!


You could start with papercrafts like teabag folding (just print out the papers and fold them (or use plain coloured paper to start with)


Lessons are halfway down the right hand side)

Or you could do decoupage where you cut out images gradually getting smaller and mount them on top of each other to make them 3d

http://devoniandecoupage.piczo.com/?g=3 ... 6&nsrc=slh

I think you email her with the ones you want (they're free) up to 3 sets a day. (Click on a set like "baby" and you'll see the images get smaller, start with the largest one on the bottom and stick the smaller ones on top until you get to the smallest using sticky foam pads or silicone glue) PS 1A is a backing sheet and 1B can be used as the card itself. :)
were sad and go to bed about 10am, mainly cause were so nackered all the time after running around like nutters!! So once Oran is in bed by 8pm we have tea, by which time its 9pm we then watch something 9 till 10 (CSI on Tues and Torchwood on wed lol) then go to bed at 10am - we are loosers
jennywren said:
were sad and go to bed about 10am, mainly cause were so nackered all the time after running around like nutters!! So once Oran is in bed by 8pm we have tea, by which time its 9pm we then watch something 9 till 10 (CSI on Tues and Torchwood on wed lol) then go to bed at 10am - we are loosers

not far off us... Ryan goes down 730ish, we make food and chat random crap til about 9, then watch something 9-10, then about 1030 we go to bed after I've sterilised stuff and we're both finished in the bathroom.

mondays i go out 630-930 so then we eat and sleep. sundays im out 4-6. wednesdays nat is out 7-midnight so i cook before he goes out, he gets home and eats it and goes, and i eat cold dinner later on once ryans gone down.
read, knit, sew, flick through food magazines and plan meals, watch TV programmes I want to watch (as opposed to it just playing crap at me all night)

But I can never just watch tv - I have to do something else at the same time.
After I get the babies to bed, tidy up, have tea, iron etc, I have a browse about on here, watch Eastenders, have a bath. Sometimes I chat to someone on Msn, sometimes bully DH into playing Scrabble and always go to bed by 10pm :sleep:

Not the most exciting, I admit but hey-ho!!
I do all my washing up and tidying before I take Isaac to bed about 8ish then if I don't fall asleep in his bed and wake up with a stiff neck and crampy legs at 4am then I go get my jammies on (after a bath if I fancy) go downstairs, open the fridge, grab a booze and either get on this forum or watch random TV with OH till we get tired and go to bed, then we play bedroom gymnastics for a bit and/or I go to sleep.

If you need a hobbie I'd recommend smirnoff Ice and a good dose of Most Haunted or Pimp my ride :)
I love Most Haunted! Much preferred it when Derek was in it though, I think they all fell out and he left :think:
I think I need earlier nights! I often wait til past midnight before deciding to go to sleep.
Thanks for the ideas everyone!
I also like to make cards, but OH feels a bit left out sometimes, so we just cuddle and talk most nights, love having our time at night.
You could practice ttc, just so you are nice and ready when the time comes :wink:

I might see you in there in the next 12 - 18 months. I know that's a bit wierd to say right now as I'm pregnant, but we are already planning number two :cheer:
I do the same as I do throughout the day. Either go online or watch TV.
I used to do card making and really enjoyed it but I stopped doing it for no reason. I should probably take it back up again!

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