Evelyn Moss - 23/08/2010 *Pics Sorted!*

Fab story Tasha, so pleased you are all getting on so well, sorry you have been poorly. Can't wait to see pics.
Well done tasha! Can't wait to see pics of your little one x
Congrats! Sounds like it was pretty epic all in all. You did very well! 6 minutes of pushing, I am impressed! x
Sorted the pics guys!! :D Thanks for your lovely messages! xxx
Huge congrats Tasha, gorgeous little thing, great birth story too! :) xxxx
aaaaw :love: she is so, so gorgeous hun!! Well done and congrats again xx
She is gorgeous!! :cloud9: Sounds like u coped brilliantly hun! Congratulations xx
Congratulations , she is soo lovely !

Loved the bit where you knew right with the stoppy midwife!

And god I'm tired now reading that, you must have been in labour for days Hun - well done you!
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glad to hear from you hunni, i'm sorry you've been ill, i hope you get better soon!! Evelyn is absolutley beautiful! i bet you're so proud. congratualtions again lovely xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:love::hug:
Congratulations! She's beautiful! :D xx
Wow u did amazing and she is gorgeous!!! xXx
Congratulations lovely, shes absolutely gorgeous you lucky thing x

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