Epidurals, catheter, actual birth pain.... What's best for me??

here you are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkZjcVl0cqw

its horrible when your baby is born and you cant hold them, or even see them for a while. and you cant get out of bed until the next day so you cant actually look after your baby. It goes against all your instincts so a lot of mummies find it really distressing.
I saw quite a lot of c sections too and though it's more difficult for mum it's safer for the baby (general). I saw quite a few problems with natural births but not even a single newborn with problems after a c section.

I totally get the emotional part but I would still choose a c section if asked. It's hard for the mum though and the recovery is not easy.
I saw quite a lot of c sections too and though it's more difficult for mum it's safer for the baby (general). I saw quite a few problems with natural births but not even a single newborn with problems after a c section.

I totally get the emotional part but I would still choose a c section if asked. It's hard for the mum though and the recovery is not easy.

my consultant told me the opposite :eh: my baby has soooo much mucous and gunk when he was born and they said it was cos of the section :confused: and he didnt know how to feed and they said cos of the section too. maybe they were just saying "section" whenever I asked a question beginning with "why..."
Lol well the baby can have more mucus etc in its lungs, nose etc because is not squished through the birth canal that helps them eliminate all that. Also they are often a little sleppy due to moms anesthesia and that cna cause little problems with them not wanting to feed at the beginning. But though a natural birth is the most natural thing ever you have ombilical cordons around the baby's neck, contractions can stress it with its heart rate dropping etc etc and those are more serious than a sleepy baby i would say.

But so nobody will acuse me here presenting my opinion I have to say that mums recovery after a c section is much much harder than with a natural birth and also as a major surgery comes with a bunch of complications like other surgeries.

So the idea is I would probably go for a natural birth because that's how things happen herein Norway But if I had the choose or the gynecologist advice me to have a c section I wouldnt be quite sad so to say lol.
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ah that makes sense I suppose. I wish I was as level headed as you :lol:

I still want a VBAC :blush:
Ha ha don't worry about that. After all it's my job. Being a doctor makes you to ignore the emotional part some times. Trust your instincts and listen to your doctor :) c section is not as bad as you think. After all what matters is a healthy LO :)
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my c-section was hurrendous if Im honest. Much much worse than I imagined it would be. Physically, I was unable to care for myself let alone my baby which was fristrating and my mother had to move in for 2 weeks to help out. The emotional fallout was massive, I still suffer from anxiety, and not being able to breastfeed literally broke my heart, I feel guilty for the rest of my life for that as my son is showing some symptoms of alleries, and I know that if I couldve fed him myself it might not be the case. A lot of people used to tell me that my LO being okay was all that mattered but to be honest, the amount I suffered, Id like to matter a little bit too. Not as much as my LO, my LO matters more than anything in the whole world, but Im a person. And i matter too.
I am sorry you had such a bad experience with your c section. Ofc that you matter :hug: my hospital does offer counseling to the mums with a c section for that reason.
I know that the recovering is very very hard and that's the only reason that I will choose a natural birth.

About breastfeeding now, I want it but if it's not possible to happen then I will express and try to a least give some feeds to LO.

Before coming to this forum I wouldn't even consider he emotional trauma of not bondimg immediately with your LO. For me what matters is for him, her to be healthy. Reading around on the forums I realized that the emotional part may be bigger than I thought.
So now I will give it a try for a natural birth but I will not force it ifykwim.

Doctors are truly emotionless beasts sometimes :( I wish I could fell what most of the irks that want a natural birth feel.

I hope you get your vbac titch
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thanks hun.

sorry I got on my soapbox a bit there. :blush: To be honest its very difficult to explain to my friends who havent had babies, even my friend who had 3 natural uncomplicated births doesnt see the big deal. I dont think I wouldve understood either. A male doctor doesnt stand a chance really!
I have a long birth story so won't go into detail, but I ended up having an epidural and a section, my worst nightmare come true.

I was worried about contraction pain, but I managed induction contractions for 7.5 hours before I asked for relief. Didn't want pethidine because it crosses the placenta, and g&a did nothing for me so opted for epidural. It did the trick, I freaked out big time but after about 4 hours I was used to it being there and took advantage of it... too much coz I could no longer feel the contractions and had to be told when they were happening lol

The catheter was a relief for me. I was already numb when they inserted mine and all through my pregnancy and even the labour, I'd spent most of the time on the loo doing tiny wees that I thought I was desperate for, so it was nice to be able to not feel the pressure on my bladder from lo anymore. I would have a catheter now actually lol
I had everything - pethedine, epidural , gas and air, ventouse, forceps and c section ( also catheter due to this) !!

Pethedine - helped a little for me. But not much use . I didnt feel sick
Epidural - not too bad. Couldnt feel contractions though and when okd o push i couldnt feel what i was doing and ha to guess!! Was such a relief tho ( i swore I'd not have one and I did and I'm glad I did!) The catheter was painful being put in for me but lovely as couldn't move to get up! Could just about wiggle my toes/ legs with the epi.

C section was an emergency one.! Got a red scar now and still bit sore. Some of my stomach is still numb but it was for my bubba to be safe so just got on with it :)

Hope this helps? Its my persepctive and ive got different views ans experiences from everyone! Xxx
I argued with the nurse, and cried and begged not to have a catheter after they pushed me into having an epidural i didnt need. She basically said I wont be able to pee, so Ill need it. No choice at all.

When I had an epidural I had;

a drip in my hand
a permanent blood pressure cuff
2 belts on my bump as i couldnt feel contractions, and 1 to monitor LO
a cetheter
a clip on my finger measuring my oxygen levels
the epidural tube coming out my back

when LO became distressed I also had a screw going into his head (up my foo) to measure heartrate accurately and an oxygen mask.

I was like the bionic woman with 8 tubes and wires in various parts of my body. It was pretty shocking when Id planned a water hypnobirth!

Personally having the epidural was the worst thing for me, but I didnt really want it so I think its very different if you were in so much pain that you really wanted it, you might love it then!

I had exactly the same as you, then went on to have episiotamy and finally delivered J with forcepts after ventouse failed. Didn't even know I'd had catheter until afterwards though even though after reading my notes I apparently agreed didn't feel it though during to epidural x
^^^ yeah to be honest it was written in my notes during my labour that they were going to break my waters by morning if not progressing and wrote "titch is happy with this plan" (obv not 'titch' but you know what I mean :lol: ) now I am so totally against ARM, it properly freaks me out and Id researched it before, I knew i didnt want it. Theres no way I wouldve agreed to that plan, I didnt even know there was a plan. As it happens, my waters broke during the night anyway but they wrote that in the notes when it wasnt true :strangle:
I understand how you feel, to be honest I still have a lot of emotional pain.attatchee to my birth experience and :shock: my baby is 10 next month it was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life but I still want another baby so badly x

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