Epadrual and ventouse delivery ....

i think it should be up to the individual.. however i do see natural mamas point of view to.. i think perhaps when/if you go through a natural labor with minimal drugs/no drugs you empower yourself and then come into the frame of mind.. omg cant believe some women opt to not feel it.. as it is painfull but some how a unique fantastic one time only feeling, that personally however painfull it was.. i would do it all over ahain and not look back thinking i wish i had more pain reliefe etc..

everyones opinion should be valid however a little more tact is needed i think.
as far as i know having an epidural can be out of choice and does not necessarily mean you have to have any other form of intervention.

I had an epidural because i was knakered and Amber wasnt coming anywhere very fast despite being on drips and all sorts..and they had to opt for a ventouse because i had a delayed second stage and no matter how hard i pushed Amber wasnt coming out - luckily the final pull on the ventouse she made her appearance!
To be honest I don't give a stuff on what pain relief I will or will not have, as long as Dan man is born safe and well :)

Wow i remember reading this before Freya was born :D
But tbh everyone is different and some can hadnle pain better then others whatever makes you labour more enjoyable then thats what you should do!
If it was back then where we had to do it ourselves i would of dies and babies would of been prob cut from me
OMG i cant believe this topic has sprug up again, Freya is 6months old now! lol

Well, I didnt get much choice in the end & had to have a natural birth & was lucky my birth was very "normal" as they didnt have any beds. I have to say it was sheer hell tho as i was in labour for a pretty long time & i had no support or help from anyone apart from my DH & they would not give me any pain relief at all as they didnt have a bed to keep me in.

Minda -Think thats a little harsh - I simply wanted peoples advice at the time & found it did help so I cared & I hope this thread might help other people that care. Your right tho there are no medals but I think whatever birth we all have had we all deserve one! :)
I had an epidural and had a ventouse delivery but it wasn't because of the epidural but because Daniel was at an angle. I had planned on not having pain relief but I was in agony right from the start as my waters broke in a big way and I started contracting very quickly and very close together, I was screaming out for help cos I really didn't think I would be able to do it.
i had an epidural and ventous with Beth. I was 21 and i was TERRIFIED and tbh, if i hadnt had a pain relief i would have passed out from a panic attack or something. The epidural was rubbish though, i had some sort of reaction to it and i could still feel all the pain in my back and tummy, but my legs were numb and itchy, it was all very strange. Anyway it made everything slow down and i needed the ventouse!

Id like to just have gas and air with this birth after what happened last time, but i will be talking to my midwife about my epidural last time and why it went wrong anf stuff, just incase i decide i do want one.

Im not ashamed to have pain medication! :lol:

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