Entertainment and Naps


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
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Hi, my LO is just over 7 weeks old. What do other Mum' do / did with there little ones at this age to keep them entertained etc? How long do your LO nap for (at a time) and how often? How long are yours awake for in single stints. Thanks
At that age Brody's naps were all over the place, he seemed to nap in litlte bits over the day, for maybe 20 mins at a time. This has gradually settled into 2 big naps.

To entertain him I sang to him, danced around with him, did touchy feely books, and just talked to him. :)
I too have got a variety of touchy feely books which I read with him every day and put his hands across the furry / fluffy bits!! I tend to dance with him as that can often settle him when he is tired. I also play 'this little piggy' with his toes, 'round and round the garden' with his hand and 'clap handies clap handies'. I have got a baby gym too which he like to lie on, I lie next to him and sing and move the bits around for him to see.

Our LO seemed to sleep nearly all the time at that age as he was premature. When he did wake up we used a baby gym and just talked and played with him. He really likes anything musical at the moment.
Elliott loved the baby gym too- we had one which you could hang different things on so I kept moving things around and putting new toys on. I also tied things like balloons, silk scarves and streamers, chiming bells etc out of his reach but over his head and then lay next to him and biffed and blew them. He still loves mobiles and always blows at light fittings or anything hanging from the ceiling in case they move! I also read to him a lot as I didn't know what else to do with him and of course he didn't wriggle away at that age! He particularly loved Dr Seuss at that age because the pictures are quite bold and often 2 colours only, he also liked the sound of things like "Green Eggs and Ham" because of the pace and patterns of language I think. He's off those at the moment and more into books with things to feel and things I can act out like tickles and yawns etc.

We also used to lie him on the bed and move his arms and legs to music- he loved that! Mostly it was "Hands up baby hands up!" (showing my age!) or Yellow Submarine! We also did this thing where we pushed down on the mattress under him so that he bounced up within our arms if you see what I mean- he really loved this but it tired me out!

Hope that helps!
Thanks for replies so far.

I am asking because our day normaly involves feed, followed by some play time. I am have a play mat with arches over the top with things hanging down which squeak, rattle and ring, and one has a mirror on the under side. I also put her on her tummy on here but she doesn't like that for too long. We manage about 30mins or so and then she either gets bored or its the colic not sure which. I try and cuddle her and talk to her or read her book (one with pictures and things to touch) but she keeps on screaming. We end up having to walk around with her until she falls asleep. Sometimes she will sleep for 2hrs sometimes we only get abuot 20mins. (in between feeds which are 3 hourly). I feel like I am doing something wrong. I had hoped I would be able to put her in her chair for some of the day and just talk to her while I do things like ironing or washing up but she just screams and screams. :cry:
Hi Nicky

At that age Olivia didn't like her bouncy chair at all, she started to like it at about 14 wks. I bought Olivia a swing (we got the Fisherprice Acquarium one) and she LOVED it! I got it when she was 5 wks old and although it was quite pricey she's only just growing out of it now but she's spent so many hours in it I think it was a good investment!

Her naps were also all over the place and particularly liked to fall asleep on someone rather than her bed! Do you use a sling? I bought a coorie sling from here: http://www.brightsparkslings.co.uk/ and it was fantastic for letting me get things done whilst Olivia slept or was carried in the sling.


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