Empty sac - wait to miscarry naturally or have a d&c


Mar 1, 2013
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Just had another scan, still no baby. Midwife said I can wait to miscarry naturally or have a d &c. Both options seem horrible. Any advise on what I should do?
Hi hun, so sorry to read your news. No advice I'm afraid but didnt want to read and run, here is a hug in the mean time xx
sorry to hear your news. Like you say either way is horrible. I have no experience of an erpc/d&c as I have had 2 natural mc.....

It depends if you can cope with the waiting or would rather just get it over with and move on sooner. I have read about others having the erpc and saying it is a short quick day procedure.

I hope you can find the strength to decide which option is better for you.

look after yourselves.
Hi hon, I was sorry to read this.

Personally, I would have a D&C as it much less painful but that is just my opinion.

Huge hugs and take care of yourself x
I had a d.c i know its something you dont wanna do but it took me 2-3 weeeks to decide whoch i shouldnt of left it that long but d.c is a quick less painful way they put u to sleep your in next min your out and in recovery with painkilliers if needed but i didnt need them. Just some info about d.c xx so sorry this has happened x
I have had 4 D&C's as I had problems miscarrying naturally etc and I didn't want to wait for it all to happen on its own. They are very quick and relatively painless and you can go home the same day.

Good luck hon and I am sorry again for your loss x
Hi Charlie, sorry to hear your news.

Having gone through natural mc at 11 weeks over the last 24hrs I'd actually say it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, painful yes, but not the worst pain ever. If I had a choice though I'd have probably gone for a d&c, mainly because I wouldn't want to hang around waiting for it to start. Have had 3 different ops under general and like the others say before you know it you're waking up in recovery.

Hope whichever route you chose it all goes smoothly for you and you get a super healthy bean next time xx
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U could always book a d&c for a weeks time or something give ur body time to do it naturally, I've had 2 late losses and both times my body wouldn't let to even after a medical managed I still needed an erpc it just will,not let go :-( , I'm realy sorry ur going through this big hugs xxx
Really Sorry hun i went for a d&c with both mcs as i was to scared to see anything and just scared of the bleeding i also didnt want to wait to misscarry, it is over so quickly with the op which is what i wanted to its a really personal choice though so whatever you feel is right for u xx
Hey honey! Sorry you have had to go through this. I terms of whether to have a D&C or wait till it happens naturally is something you need to make sure you have thought what is best for you and your oh. I had a natural mc but it happened for me that way. I just passes heavy blood and clots and had period like pain. Take time to think and make the choice thats right for you! Xxx
Thanks for all of your advice. No matter how prepared you are for worst case, it's still a total shock to hear those words. xxxx
Sorry to hear of your loss & having to go through this.

I choose the ERPC, It was quick & over with on the day, & I bleed for just 9 days later. But 24 days after & still no AF.

It was emotionally painful for me when bleeding after the ERPC, & soon as I stopped bleeding my emotions got better. God help what I would of been like if I had natural.
Just wondering how you are doing Charlie?
Hiya, I'm okay. I called the hospital and opted for the d&c but i didn't realise it'd be such a palava! They said I need to go in for another scan even though I had one last week, then talk to the doctor an then book it. So scan on Monday and then see what happens. I'm just scared that its going to happen whilst I'm at work o something :( xxx
You poor thing, that's awful. So sorry to hear you're going through this. Big hugs to you :hug:

I decided to wait and let it happen naturally. I've never been put under with anaesthetic before and I dont like the thought of it so personally a d+c would have been the last option for me. I had a lot of pain for over a day before I started bleeding. I hope they can speed things up so you can start healing. sorry you're going throufh this x

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