empty sac confusion...


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Feb 10, 2014
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I started spotting 8 days ago and thought I was 9 weeks by my own dates. I called the midwife who told me to go to the GP first who tested for infection. None found so he booked me in for an early scan which was last wed (5th).Was told by the nurse that I had an empty sac and it was only around 5 weeks size and asked if I had my dates wrong but im pretty certain.
I asked if this meant miscarriage and didn't really get a reply. Was told I have to go back in 2 weeks (19th) for a rescan but the thing that confuses me the most is that im still having all the signs of pregnancy. Cravings, bloated, morning sickness, everything and its heartbreaking and im not even bleeding anymore. If I get a spot a day that's the most. Its brown and not red which also makes me wonder whats happening??
Ive had a mc 8 years ago and had a prem baby inbetween so I am blessed with that but this time is completely different. Last mc I bled heavily and could understand what was happening.
Im in limbo...the nurse gave us all the papers and info about mc but if I lost 4 weeks ago then surely I should have passed it through my body by now??
Could the sonographer have made a mistake???
Don't know what to think. Any others had anything similar happen??
Hey hun,
I had a missed miscarriage when i was scanned at 10+4 and i had spotted literally for one day 3 weeks prior but i didnt think anthing of it :( baby was sized at 7+3 so could be relevant. I still had all the symptoms and didn't miscarry until i would have been 13 weeks (i opted for natural)
I hope this isn't the case with you but sometimes it can take your body a while to realise which makes it worse :(

Do you know when you ovulated? Maybe you could have ovulated a lot later than you thought? Good luck hun hope your scan goes well, thinking of you xxx
Hun this type of loss with an empty sac is called a blighted ovum. It's where the sac developed but the baby don't. Your body thinks your pregnant so dosnt let go and normally realise at around 12 weeks time. The re scan in 2 weeks is incase the dates are wrong and to be sure. I'm 11 weeks pregnant now and at 7 weeks I had a scan showed an empty sac and at my rescan there was baby my dates was a little out so do to give up hope hun. Did they tell you how big the sac was. Mine was 18mm and the baby grew. There's also another lady on here due the same day as me who had exact the same thing. Good luck for your next scan xxx
sorry you are going through this. i had a mmc in October. I was so dreadfully ill for 3 weeks and went for an early private scan at 8+5 and they said baby had no heartbeat but it only happened within those few days as the measurements were right for my dates. I couldnt make sense of it as i was so sick and continued vomitting everyday for a week after at which point i had ERPC.

good luck with your scan and hopefully your dates are out and you ovulated later xx
I had the same happen last year. They weren't sure if I got my dates wrong, or if it was a blighted ovum. Like you I had all the signs of a continuing pregnancy. My scans started at 7 weeks, and eventually I had a managed miscarriage at 11 weeks.

I read up a lot on blighted ovums, and they do sometimes get it wrong. Good luck for your next scan.
Sorry you are going through this confusion hun. I had this too, I went for an early scan due to a previous ectopic and the doctor said going by my last period I should of been 9 weeks, when I was scanned they told me there was no baby just a sac and that I had to go back 8 days later. When I went back my llbaby was there with a little heartbeat and I was put back nearly 4 weeks. Dont lose hope yet I wish you all the luck In the world xxxz
So awful you have to go through this! I hope you have your dates wrong and everything is fine! Xxxx

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