Emotional about Phoebe turning 1.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2005
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Phoebe will be 1 on Tuesday and I am feeling really weird and emotional about it. :(

A few weeks ago I was really excited so jumped right in as usual and invited all the family for a tea party but all I really want now is to celebrate quietly. I'm scared I'll cry or something. I'll be thinking about the anti climax of actually giving birth a year ago and what I was doing at what time last year.

Why do I feel like this? Part of me can't wait to see Phoebe with her new toys etc but the other half can't cope with the fact she'll be 1.
Hi Hun, Its a strange time because you have to admit that your baby is growing in to a toddler, she wont know whats happening on her birthday.
We just had a quiet time with friends and family.
I'm sure you'll feel better soon think of it as another important milestone and i'm sure you'll be very proud of her.
Its just a shame they grow up sooo quickly. :hug:
awww hun i really suffered leading up to B bday cried loads silly i know but i did
but on the day i looked at B in the morning and felt so much pride in how grown up he was, it was unbelievable
Awww I know how hard it is to watch them grow up. I was a wreck leading up to Aaron's birthday! I remember coming on here when I had a leaflet in the post offering me 1st birthday decorations and I was so upset that he was going to be 1! But in the end it was a lovely day and it didn't really change much to be honest. I was just so proud that my baby was now a little boy and was doing so well! Now I just have to get over his 2nd birthday :lol:
Awwww you daft sod :hug: I know exactly how you're feeling hunnie, and you can cry in front of me on Tuesday :) Look how beautiful Phoebe is now, look how much she has grown up and changed! Being one won't change her, it'll just be a celebration of the miracle that happened a year ago. Don't be sad hun it'll be a lovely day :hug:

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