Elongated Sac


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
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Hi ladies,

Looking for some advice, I've been having brown spotting on and off for about the past 4 days. I went to the docs this morning and she done a scan. She said the sac is elongated which is an abnormal shape and she couldn't see a baby. She said more than likely a deformity at conception and baby isn't growing. She done a blood test which has to be repeated in 48 hours then another scan in 10 days but said the pregnancy isn't viable.

Has anyone else experienced this? This is my first pregnancy and I'm absolutely devastated :(
What happens to the sac will I just pass this naturally?

Gill xxx
I havent experienced the elongated sac myself but just wanted to say sorry that you have to go through it. I had bloods taken to test hsg 2 days apart to check if it was a viable pregnancy.
Hi Gill didn't want to read and run. I've never heard of this but you are still very early so they might be wrong about the shape.

It's a horrific thing to go through especially waiting to get results and not knowing what's going on.

If it is the worst the fact that you are spotting may mean you are passing it naturally.

I know it's hard Hun but try and stay positive as the stress is not good for you.

Wish I had better more comforting words sending big hugs your way :hugs:

Take care xx
Hi hun, sorry you're going through this. It hasn't happened to me although from what I've read a misshapen sac is usually an indicator of mc. I had brown spotting and ended up having a mmc but my baby's sac was perfectly round :(

Hope you get some answers soon xxx

Oh hun I'm sorry you're going through this. I mc at 5 weeks and it was just a really heavy period with big clots and cramps that were a bit sorer than my normal but nothing a couple of cocodamol didn't help.
Hope things turn out ok for you xx
Thank you so much for the replies I really appreciate it. My head is thumping from all the crying and just waiting on my husband flying back from a business trip.

I know I was only 5 and a half weeks but you just get so excited and carried away. I'm having cramps now but no spotting. A bit apprehensive about passing this sac but I can cope with a heavy period. Xxx
I'm so sorry, Gill!

I had a mmc last year. My baby stopped growing at 8 weeks and I miscarried naturally at 13 weeks. I passed everything at home on the toilet and I have to tell you that physically, it was much much easier than I thought it would be. I bled for a day before hand, then had some strong period pains for around 20 minutes and then everything came away and I continued to bleed for a week or so.

I know it's not this "easy" for everyone, but I'm really hoping that because this is happening to you quite early that you won't suffer too much physically. I understand that you're worried about passing the sac, but at this point it will probably be no bigger than a small blood clot and you may not even notice.

Take care of yourself and remember that we're all here to give you as much advice and support as you need xxx
Oh hun, I am so sorry you are going through this :( xx
I'm really sorry to hear this :-(
Of course you have every right to be upset and all the other feelings you will have. I think the doctor should have explained what that meant and why she said it wasn't viable! I hate the way we are treated like imbeciles and sent home, and usually we are too shocked and upset to ask the questions we need to. Perhaps call the doctor back and ask what it all means, that way you are armed with the information and know what to expect.
Big hugs xx
oh hun im so sorry, I had this with my first mc, was already bleeding quite heavily when I had the scan she said the sac was supposed to be nice and round and firm but mine was misshapen indicating that I was likely to mc. Its terrible to go through this im thinking of you. keep strong and don't give up. x x
I'm so sorry to hear this it doesn't matter how many weeks you are it's still devestating sending you big hugs take care xxx
I am sorry to hear this hon, you may be early but it still hurts mentally. Take care of yourself and loads of love xx
Sorry to hear this Cosmogirl. :( I'm afraid I've never heard of this before either. I think they generally get you to go back just to double-check they haven't misdiagnosed. I would love to hope that they are wrong. My thoughts are with you. xxx
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So sorry to hear this. No matter what stage you are at it is devastating. Thinking of you xx
Oh hun , im so sorry, i hope they are wrong but the fact your now cramping is telling me there right.

I hope its not too painful for you physically , but take some time with hubby to get your head round all this xx
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So sorry to hear this hun, I had this last year; I was 10+6, started bleeding, went for a scan and she told me my sac was an "irregular shape" and that baby had stopped growing at 8 weeks and had no heartbeat.

It's really heartbreaking but I took "comfort" from the fact that my child probably wasn't developing properly and therefore wouldn't be born heavily disabled etc and in pain.

I didn't pass my baby naturally, I decided to go down the surgical route as I felt that possibly seeing the pregnancy in the toilet bowl would haunt me forever. Every individual is different though.

Thinking of you xxx
Sorry to hear this. I haven't heard of this before either, but then I never got to have any scans with mine, so who knows? Hope its not too bad for you hun. Xx
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Realy sorry to hear this cosmogirl :-( I have been through summet very similar although they called it a blighted ovum but they weren't very sure at the time cos if confusion with my dates and a missing period that never happened, anyways I thought I was roughly about 10 weeks cos of 2 missed periods but I'd had a negative preg test at first so just plodded along thinking I had lost a period sum where n then I missed another so I tested n was possitive this time but I started spotting so had a scan n they said the sac was misshapen and they think was summet in side n that I was more like 5.5 weeks anyways long story short I had to have 3 scans over 3 weeks to see if there was any growth there was the sac started growing and whatever was inside grew slightly but not enough then the sac started to collapse and I was told I had to decide to either wait it out or have medical managed or Erpc I opened for medical managed but that failed and it was horrific experience fr me and I ended up needing an Erpc :-( , horrible thing to have to go through big hugs and take it easy and again I'm realy sorry xx
Oh jeez jojo that sounds awful!! Well the doctor called and said results of my blood test yesterday were hcg level of 16,439 (it was 1139 last Thursday) so that's still pretty high and sort of normal range for 5 and a half weeks. I've to have another blood test tomorrow so the results should have started to decline I would have thought. Can't help holding onto the smallest of slim chance that its going to be ok but then how can it be, I was there and seen the scan yesterday and the sac was defs elongated and there was nothing it it. I'm so impatient this is killing me!! Xxx
In regards to nothing being in the sac - from what I've read from a lot of ladies on here, it's quite likely that you won't see anything in the sac at this point anyway. Balthazar has just had a scan at around 5 and a half weeks and they couldn't see anything. And another lady commented on Balthazar's pregnancy journal that her sac appeared empty at a scan at around 5 weeks too, and she's now very pregnant!
Like I said on your thread in Tri1, I don't want to give you false hope, but I'd say there's 50/50 good and bad news here. The sac is an irregular shape which is bad, but your hcg levels are good. Spotting in early pregnancy is very common and what you might see on a scan this early is very variable. So the last two points I would say are good or bad.
I really really hope that this turns out to be a positive ending. I'm wishing really hard for you!! xx
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