Hello everyone. I have to say that this is a great website / message forum and I'm hoping someone out there can help me.
My wife and I recently suffered an ectopic pregnancy at about 6 weeks. My wife had to undergo surgery and had one of her Fallopian Tubes removed. The other tube, thankfully, was seen to be healthy.
We are gradually coming to terms with this but are confused about something. The surgeon told us that removing the tube has reduced our chances of another pregnancy by about 15 %. At the time, understandably, we didn't really take this in but are now wondering why it's 15%. Surely if one of the tubes has been removed then the chances reduce by 50%? Is it the case that we will only have a chance every other month if there is only now one tube for an egg to travel, even if there are still 2 overies?
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. We're not stupid people, and have read as many stories of people getting pregnant 6 weeks after surgery as we have people who still haven't got pregnant after 6 years! We just want to know if there is a possibility of "making a baby" every month or every other month.
Can anybody help?