Ectopic or miscarriage

Desert rose

Nov 14, 2014
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Having suffered from PCOS (which seemed to be improving with inofolic), I was really surprised when I got a positive pregnancy test 5 weeks after LMP. When I went to the Dr a few days later, she gave me a scan (couldn't see anything) and then took my bloods. My levels, although def pregnant were only 216 so she asked me to come in for a repeat blood test where they rose only slightly to 340. The doctor was happy but having had a bit of pain and cramping, I went back 2 days later for another blood test where my levels have gone down to 320 and she's warned me it doesn't look good. I'm now paranoid about the possibility of it being an ectopic but my dr has said she'd rather monitor my bloods to see if I miscarry naturally as such a low level is unlikely to cause a rupture if it is ectopic. Is this right? I'm experiencing a bit of pelvic pain and pain higher up but not sure if this is psychological as I'm worrying myself sick. I'd be 6 weeks tomorrow.
So sorry to hear this lovely... You need to try and keep yourself busy or your going to drive yourself crazy! But yes this is right, most ectopic pregnancies end themselves naturally and it's best to monitor rather use medications that have side effects, surgery is only needed if there is significant risk of rupture or it has already ruptured, more chance of concieving again if you let your body do it naturally xxx
So sorry to read this post hun. Im afraid i dont have any advice but didnt want to read and run. Try and stay calm but i know that will be difficult for you. Thinking of you xx
Thank you so much for your reassuring words. I live abroad at the moment and not in the UK so there's always that extra level of worry that things might not be dealt with as they would at home. Getting some shooting pains now so I guess it's just a case of waiting to see...
Sorry to hear what you're going through. Just to give you something to compare numbers to, when I experienced our ectopic which ruptured back in February of this year my HCG levels were up around 50,000 I believe (which is approximately 6 weeks).
Hi Nomi, I'm so sorry to hear what you experienced. I'm going back to the dr for another blood test today so hopefully I will have some more information by tomorrow. I'm having strong cramps but no bleeding (only brown spotting so far).
Hi Desertrose, so sorry for what your going through - your story is almost exactly the same as mine 2 weeks ago. My HCG was very low and dropping so I knew it wasn't viable but for me the few days waiting to miscarry were harder to cope with than coming to terms with the miscarriage itself. I was terrified that it could be ectopic. But I was told the same - as long as levels are dropping your body will deal with it on its own and it won't be a danger to you whether ectopic or not; (I believe it's when levels continue to rise very slowly that it could be dangerous?) It's the worst waiting game in the world. My levels had dropped to only 54 on the Friday and I still had no cramping or bleeding. I opted to wait for a natural miscarriage on the belief that at 6 weeks it would be like 'a bad period' - just a word of warning, this was not the case for me - I began cramping on the Sunday morning with very slight spotting but my husband had to call an ambulance for me In the early hours of Monday morning as I was in a very bad way. I was prepped for a d&C but ended up passing a very large clot just on Gas & air and after that my pain reduced to a manageable level almost instantly. The gynaecologist gave me an internal exam and was happy that there would be no more problems so I didn't have the surgery. I don't tell you this to scare you, I just wish I had been a little more prepared for the fact that even at 6 weeks there can be complications. Please make sure your partner or somebody stays with you whilst you miscarry.
Despite the initial unexpected trauma I bled for only 6 days after that and my body appears to have recovered quite quickly - I ovulated yesterday just 17 days after my miscarriage. Trust in your body and try to remain hopeful at this awful time. I'm here if you have any more questions, there are so many supportive ladies on here. Take care.
Thinking of you xxx

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