ectopic just got home


Jan 8, 2014
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So after a week of finding out I'm pregnant and being messed about by the doctors (as per my previous post) I ended up in hospital. I was then sent home to br sent back in again to have emergency surgery. I had a rupture and Internal bleeding and have now had my fallopian tube removed. I feel devastated. My boyfriend is also upset but I think he's trying to be strong for so much pain but all I can think is I should be pregnant :(
So sorry to hear hun :( keep communicating with your boyfriend, such a hard situation and it's easy to not share your feelings. Take care of yourself, hope the pain eases soon xxx
So sorry honey. Try and be kind to yourself. Xx
Im so sorry for all you have had to go through! Xx
im so sorry hun, i had an ectopic in 2012 :( make sure you get lots of rest. i also had a tube removed and thought it was going to affect my chances but it didnt, take comfort in that ok xx i hope you recover soon hun. thinking of you xxx
Thanks everyone. Georgie if you don't mind me asking what happened after? Have you since tried? X
Katie goodness that must have been frightening for you! As someone else said just keep talking. I think I would have driven myself round the bend if I didn't talk things through constantly with my oh. Do take time to recover physically, it's a big thing your body is going through. x
Sorry to read this Katie, try and get lots of rest and look after yourself xx
hey hunny, yes i have. we waited for a couple months after just to be sure i was back to normal and then got on with it again. i fell pregnant in february last year (ectopic was july 2012) but unfortunately lost the baby, i am now pregnany again, 9 weeks along and as far as i know everything is ok so far. you will get there xxx
Hi, I had an ectopic at 6 weeks on the 10th Jan 14. I also had to have emergency surgery after my tube ruptured and I lost 3L of blood to internal bleeding. My bp dropped to 37/26 and I was close to death. I've never been so scared in my life. 12 days on and I'm just absolutely devastated. I have only one working tube now and I'm petrified it's going to takes ages to fall pregnant and it could be ectopic. I'm just so upset, I should be pregnant now. All I've ever wanted is children, this is so unfair. I'm sure you're feeling exactly the same, but at least we both know we're not the only ones going through it. xxxx

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