Early scan...?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2011
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My husband and I have been talking about going for an early scan (paying privately). I'm definitely more up for doing this than he is, as I think if I see everything is ok it'll stop me worrying about everything so much! He's a bit less enthusiastic, but I think mainly because of the money! We're thinking of going when I'm 8 ish weeks, which is just less than 2 weeks away. I've not yet gad my 12 week scan date confirmed, but I'm assuming it'll be at least 4 weeks later.

Sooo, my question for you ladies is: would you pay privately for an early scan? Any thoughts/comments welcome.

well hun i am!! as like you i'm a worryier i just wanna check my baby is ok! but i'm having one at 16 weeks to check the baby's sex aswell! until you feel the baby kick then you are going to worry, i would do the same thing hun! i bought one of those fetal heart monitor things just to check the babys heart beat every week!
I paid privately. Though I waited until 10 weeks for mine. The only reason I went was to make sure I didn't get to the 12 week scan and have them tell me it had died weeks ago. I am going on holiday 2 days after my scan.

If I wasn't going on holiday I wouldn't have booked it tbh. The midwife discouraged it because she quite rightly said (for me) it will only reassure you for the 5 mins you are there. It could go wrong the day afterwards and how will you feel then if you have seen your baby already.
lots of people have them and take lots of reassurance from them, I guess you have to decide if you will continue to worry afterwards or not?

My hubby is annoyed at me a bit because I was having a panic attack before I had my scan the other week, I am working myself into the same state for my scan this Thursday as well so he's going through it twice! He said we wouldn't have had to worry twice if we didn't have the early scan!
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Hmm.. I had a scan at 7 weeks and we heard the heart beat, seen the 'blob' and the flicker of the heartbeat. I found it comforting to see what my body was making all the fuss about... and everytime I was sick, or any symptom got me down, I just thought of that day & it cheered me up!

We only paid £25 for ours though - so was a real bargain! x
As I had a M/C back in May I can have an early scan on NHS.

If not I'd pay for one - 100%, no question.
I've looked into getting an early private scan as I mc last time. It's around £100, but I think worth it to make me feel a little better about things. Although if I'm able to get an early scan on NHS I will.
Thanks for your replies girls. I'm still thinking yes...although can understand why people decide not to. We are planning on telling our parents next weekend, as we're having them all over for dinner. We toyed with the idea of having the scan that afternoon...

As an aside, is it right that I read somewhere the chances of anything going wrong once you've had a hb confirmed reduce dramatically?
Thanks for your replies girls. I'm still thinking yes...although can understand why people decide not to. We are planning on telling our parents next weekend, as we're having them all over for dinner. We toyed with the idea of having the scan that afternoon...

As an aside, is it right that I read somewhere the chances of anything going wrong once you've had a hb confirmed reduce dramatically?

From my limited knowledge I do not think this is totally accurate. You can hear a heartbeat but still miscarry before the 12 week mark.

Wish it was true, as I'll be scanned at 7 weeks.

As I say my knowledge is limited (based on the pregnancies of sis, s-i-l, and a few friends :shock:)
ive seen it posted on another thread here somewhere in tri one that the risk goes down after you have heard the hb and again at 12 weeks. there were percentages and everything.
I paid privately. Though I waited until 10 weeks for mine. The only reason I went was to make sure I didn't get to the 12 week scan and have them tell me it had died weeks ago. I am going on holiday 2 days after my scan.

If I wasn't going on holiday I wouldn't have booked it tbh. The midwife discouraged it because she quite rightly said (for me) it will only reassure you for the 5 mins you are there. It could go wrong the day afterwards and how will you feel then if you have seen your baby already.
lots of people have them and take lots of reassurance from them, I guess you have to decide if you will continue to worry afterwards or not?

My hubby is annoyed at me a bit because I was having a panic attack before I had my scan the other week, I am working myself into the same state for my scan this Thursday as well so he's going through it twice! He said we wouldn't have had to worry twice if we didn't have the early scan!

I have to agree with Torino here. Seeing Podge on the early scan and so well formed I fell head over heels in love, like nothing I have ever felt before. If something is wrong at my scan on Thursday I honestly think I will fall apart.

Having said that, apparently if an early heartbeat is detected the risk of miscarriage drops to only 3%. I am holding on to that piece of info as if my life depends on it xxxxxxxxxx

And yeah I am really starting to worry now lol
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I am completely pro early scans. After my first mc I was offered a 6 week scan from my hospital. I saw my baby's hb. At 10 weeks I paid for a second scan. Unfortunately my baby's hb was no longer ticking, which obviously was sad, but I have a can picture of a blob with a hb which helped me to feel entitled to grieve for my baby. It is something that meant lots to me that I had built a bond with the baby, and I didn't struggle any more than I had during my first mc. It was still as sad, but at least this time I had a picture as a reminder.
This pregnancy, the nhs offered me a 6 week scan again, where I saw a hb and then I again pai for a 10 week scan. Luckily this time I saw a hb again! The proof that I am totally pro early scans is that I did exactly the same this time, being completely aware of what the outcome could be. Don't get me wrong, I panicked and cried at the 10 week scan in fear of hearing those dreaded words, but I wanted to know one way or the other.
I like other people (providing I get through the 12 week scan ok) will be paying for a 16 week scan also. I think the money is nothing in comparison to your peace of mind and ability to have some time to decide I the worst thing were to happen!
I hope that things go well. Lots of hugs xxx

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