Early Scan


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Because my little bean is an IVF bean I have an early scan on Friday, I'll be 6wks then.
I'm so nervous that nothing will be there but excited at the same time to see what is, there maybe even be 2 as I had 2 embryos transferred. I've had my BETA done 4 times as I was so paranoid but my numbers are going up nicely. Its so weird to feel so excited but so scared but I guess this is just the beginning of this feeling and it'll be lasting the all of the remaining 8 month!

Anyone else had an early scan? Did you see a heartbeat??
I had an early scan at 6 weeks and yes i saw my little bambino's heart beating but im being scanned this week again to make sure all is ticking away nicely as it wasnt as they expected apparently but a colleague of mine has advised me not to worry because it cant always be picked up properly that early so just ask questions if not sure, i didnt coz i was soo overwhelmed with seeing it on the screen x
I have an early scan booked for the 31st October so I'll be 7 and a half weeks. I'm so excited but like you so u believably scared there'll be nothing there! I just want to see it. hope yours goes well :) x x
I'm having an early scan on the 5 th November. ( private one) as I'm convinced there is more than one!!! And I need to know!! Lol xx
Good luck with scan buggy, i had an early scan and could see heartbeat but wasnt quite as early as 6 weeks, i wouldnt worry if you cant see heartbeat at 6 weeks because it can take up to 6.5 weeks for heartbeat to be seen. as long as they see sac and yolk sac thats perfect for your stage

I had a scan at 6+3 and yes we saw the heart beating away :cloud9: took quite a long time to find it though, cos baby was so small at that time (distant memory now lol)
Good luck with it Buggy :love: xxx
I had my scan today, it was amazing! There were 2 sacs but 2nd one was only at 4 wks so they think it's stopped growing. My little Peanut is 6w+2d and had a great little heartbeat it was so cool & it now feels more real. I can't get the attachment to work so can't add a picture but I'm so excited!
I had my scan today, it was amazing! There were 2 sacs but 2nd one was only at 4 wks so they think it's stopped growing. My little Peanut is 6w+2d and had a great little heartbeat it was so cool & it now feels more real. I can't get the attachment to work so can't add a picture but I'm so excited!

hey hun

glad all went well for you, try cropping ur photo down in size as i was having probs uploading mine till i cropped it, as you can only upload a file of so many kb so made mine smaller and it worked :) look forward to seeing photo xx
My early scan was at 9+3 so not as early as yours will be. Oooooo maybe twins huh? A boy and a girl would be nice :love: xxxxxxxxx
Good luck with your scan buggy. I had an early scan when I thought I was nearly 8 weeks and was put back over a week. I saw a heartbeat and the baby was so so tiny, just looked like a blob. It was still amazing to see though!

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