Early scan devastation!


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2014
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I paid for a private early scan today.
Since last af should be 8+4 but due to long cycles and knowing ov date think i am actually 7+5.
Anyway there was a sac and yolk but no fetal pole and no heartbeat, gotta go back in 9 days for re-scan.
Scan measured 5+5 and i know for def my dates are not that out.
Know its all over but just hoping to hear from anyone else this has happened to and any positive outcomes or quick bfp's again after this happening.

Thanks x
Hi Carla. I'm so very sorry to hear this. I can't offer you any success stories but lots of ladies on here have had them. Fx that you will have one too. Sending you lots of hugs, take care of yourself xxx
Im sorry you have to go through this. Its so horrible to have to wait. I really hope you do have a positive outcome!! Xxx
So sorry Carla. Can't share any experience I'm afraid but I hope you can get some positive news at your next scan
HI Carla,

So sorry to hear youre going through this, the waiting is just awful, but you will get through it.
Did the scanner/Dr let you know if there might be a chance all is ok?
If you were actually 5+5, then no heartbeat is definately normal, but as you say, you know for sure your ov date, and you think are definately further on than that.
Try not to give up hope just yet, just get through these 9 days one day at a time and whatever the second scans shows, you WILL get through it and be ok.
She just said u could be earlier than u think or it may not be a viable pregnancy.
Due to using opk's i know i ovulated 3rd/4th october, i got positive pregnancy test 21st oct after waiting for af to ne 2-3 days late.
So it isnt possible i am 5+5 :-(
I just want the scan over with but i am scared as to what happens then.
Do i wait for a miscarriage to happen naturally and how long should it take?
Hi Carla,
If it is indeed confirmed to be non-viable at your next scan, they will likely give you 3 options:
1. Wait to have the miscarriage naturally
2. Medical management, you can take tablets to induce the miscarriage
3. D&C which will surgically remove the pregnancy.

There are positives and negatives to all options, I personally chose the tablets both times for mine as I couldnt stand the waiting for it to happen naturally and I also didnt want unnecessary surgery. Some people pick the natural approach as it is probably the best for your body although its impossible to guess how long it will take and it could be weeks before you mc naturally, others choose the D&C to get it over with.
Whatever you decide, you will get through it and when youre ready to try again, the odds are very, very high that your next pregnancy will be sucessful
If you have any questions about the specifics, let me know as Im happy to share. I found reading the experiences of the ladies on here helped me though the process and to know what to expect. And try not to be scared, its certainly not a pleasant experience but its unfortunately very common and you will get through it!
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Thanks that is very helpful and i will no doubt have more questions for u in the coming weeks.
As i paid for a scan at a private clinic who will (eg if i chose the tablets) prescribe them to me, will they tell me to see my gp? X
Have awful pains today, not sure if start of mc orr just a tummy bug as had diaorrhea also!
Feel sooo bad someone help xx
Hey Carla,
How you feeling now? Sounds like a tummy bug if you have vomiting/diahrea with no bleeding yet.
With regards to who will assist you if your next scan shows bad news, Im not sure how it works in the UK, I live in the Netherlands. After my scans, the scanner called my midwife, then the midwife arranged an appointment for me at the hospital.
Hi Carla. Very sorry you are going through this it's not nice at all. I was behind on my first scan. They questioned my dates but I knew I was right. The next scan showed a healthy heart beat but still behind. Then I started bleeding but another scan showed everything was perfect and the dates had caught up to being spot on. There is every possibility all will be fine.

Anyway I'm now 23 weeks pregnant with a seemingly healthy little boy.

Fingers crossed for happy news at your next scan xx
Thank u i am not allowing myself to think it will be ok as i am trying to come to terms with it before scan saturday.
If it is tho will be unbelievable and amazing and thanks to u i know this does happen!
How far were u when u first saw hb?? Xx
I was 8 weeks but measuring at not quite 7. The first scan was at 6 weeks but measuring 4.5 weeks.

I completely understand why you don't want to get your hopes up. It's such a hard thing to go through made worse by the fact that all you can do is wait. I actually took part in a study the doctor I saw at the first scan is trying to find a link between a viable pregnancy and a blood test. It won't help us now but will hopefully save so many others from going through this in the future.

I do hope that all is ok. Either way feel free to inbox me if you need a chat xx
Just a question, i did a digital hpt today as i wondered if the conception indicator goes backwards if baby has stopped developing.
It came up really quick, before the 3 mins and said 3+.
On 21/10 when i got bfp it said 1-2, then tested again 1/11 and got 2-3.
If i have had a mmc would i get a 3+ on hpt?
Or is that why its called 'missed' as in your body doesnt realise so the hcg keeps rising?
Not clutching at straws but i just dont really understand with it being my first ever pregnancy!
Hope someone can help x
Hi Carla,
Hmm, to be honest Im not too sure what a strong positve on the digital test is indicating? I never did a test during mine so I dont really know however I had pretty full-on symptoms (nausea, sore boobs) right up until the moment I actually miscarried both times. So Im pretty sure my hormone levels were still fairly high up until the end
Sorry, I dont mean to sound negative but just going from my experience...
I still think you should hold onto hope though, there are positive stories of ladies who measured way behind but then caught up at the next scan. When is your scan appointment?
Thanks yeah i assume levels would just remain high until mc occurs.
Just curious as dont really understand it all.
Scan is sat at 3.30pm x
Hi Hun, bit confused, are you worried that baby has stopped developing/ miscarrying? It's a good sign I'd say! my first indication that I was miscarrying was that my HCG levels were dropping. Digi still said 1-2 when I knew it should have been 3+ . I had bloods done over a couple of days and they dropped - this was all before any physical signs I.e bleeding/cramping. Some peoples HCG remains high regardless (missed miscarriage) so they're not 100% reliable but I'd take it as a good sign that yours now says 3+
If you're a real worrier like me get bloods done - the hcg should double every 48-72 hrs in a healthy pregnancy

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