Early riser's?!

Lacey's Mummy - what age is your wee 1? I know where you're coming from with the nap thing, I thought naps were useful for a wee while but started getting in the way of bedtimes.

Could you maybe try leaving him in the cot for half an hour in the mornings?, start getting him used to lying peacefully for a wee while before getting up. I found this quite hard to do at the start but paid off.

When my wee girl woke up I'd leave her for maybe 20 mins & i'd quickly sort myself out make myself a coffee, get bottle's/breakfast ready & then took her out.

Mel, I didn't even think of the clock changes although they never affected Lacey when she was a baby!
Littlemiss, he's 10 months. I've tried changing his bedtime to 7pm but he would still wake at 5.30, he's just gone to bed now cos he's been grumpy for over a hour where he's so tired so it'll be another early morning tomorrow. I'm gonna try to put him to bed at 7pm everyday this week from tomorrow and leave him for abit in the mornings, see if it works
Paige had a nap at 4:30pm yesterday. She never has a nap that late, but she woke at 5:30pm and we had dinner, bathed her and watched tv and she went bed at 7pm. She was so muc more relaxed. Today she had 3 naps with the last one being at about 3pm but she went to her dads so not sure what she was like this evening. I know you said about him not having an extra nap but maybe he/ll wake up naturally half hour later ready to start getting ready for bed etc? Paige fell asleep at 6pm the other night and woke at 6:30pm (it was in her pram, Id never let her sleep that late in her cot) and she woke up, had a bottle and went back to sleep at 7pm.

Not sure what Im getting at with that, but maybe a late nap might be the key? I was dead against it and thought she'd fight it but actually it works out ok and doesnt mess with her sleep at all.

Im going to stop rambling now but yeah, could be worth trying. Sleep promotes sleep after all :) Or at least it does in this house!
august mum i have always let amelia have a sleep late on if she needs it because it has never interfered with her sleep at night i found it better than letting her be to grumpy before bed x
Well he woke up at 4.30 this morning!! There was no way I was getting up then so I gave him a bottle then it took about 15mins for him to drop off again then he slept till 6.20 so at least I got a hour lie in today!
How did u feel about it Lacey's mummy? Was it worth it making the bottle ect for the extra hour in bed? Or would you rather he'd just got up at 5?

Could you possibly try the same thing if he wakes at 5? bottle then back to bed for a wee while?

noa also have a late nap, wakes 5-6 dinner latest 6 n bed n bottle latest 7 x
Owen was a 6 am on the dot (or between 5.45 and 6.30 really!) for ages, since last week he has started sleeping from 6.30/7pm til 8 or 8.30am! Ok so not to annoy you and make you jealous :roll: but, they could just change like that. I know I;ve jinxed that and now he'll be ccreaming throughout the night lol!
we were in france last week and there was a black out blind in his room, not sure if this helped 'change' his sleep/wake time -as we dont have one at home, but he started sleeping a little later on hols. Was gonna buy one as soon as I got back but may not bother now. Really hope you start getting a little more sleep xx
noa slept to 10 this morning :whistle: i could not imgin having toget up 5ish
I changed his routine slightly yesterday, gave him tea later, put in the night garden on to help him wind down even though he hardly noticed it was on as he doesn't watch telly then took him up to bed about 6.45, did same bedtime routine as normal and he was in cot asleep by 7pm, then he slept until 6.15am. Still early but at least he woke up a little later!
anything past 6 is a little easier.

Noa slept til 10?!!:shock::shock::shock:
Paige slept in until 7:30 today :faint: It was like a dream!
OMG Isobel I am soooo jealous lol

Oscar was up at 5.30 last two mornings.

To be fair he is teething and in a leap atm so his sleep is a bit off.

I can't wait til he goes to sleep overs lol
Jayden wakes between half6 and half 7 a few weeks ago it was around 5-5:30 he wud wake but wud never be hungry as soon as i brought him downstairs so i started takin him outta his cot when he was having a lil whine and wud put him on my bed and lie with him till half 6 then he started sleeping till then and i just kept doin this addin half hour every few days he sleeps till half7 most of the time now :)

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