early labour ??


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2013
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For the past 1 1/2 hours I have been having pain in my lower back and some period like cramps in my stomach. It doesn't matter what way I lie nothing seems to ease these. My baby is kicking away no and then so that makes me think everything is ok but I have no idea what these pains are. Could I be in early labour ? Its far too early for me to be but this is my 1st pregnancy so I don't know what to expect.

I'm going to call my MW first thing if I'm still feeling the same

How far along are you? Sounds like it could possibly be the beginning of labor. But you need to watch for your contractions to be a full minute and consistent.

If it's your first time you can have shorter erratic contractions for hours or even days. Once they become 5-6 minutes apart and last a full minute you can say it's real labor.
Hopefully not hun. I've noticed pains and back ache more now but never comes to anything. Could be body preparing. Check with the mw if the pain is bad, best to be careful as you're only 29 weeks, you want lo to cook a, little longer :) xxx
I'm only 29 weeks pregnant. I'm not sure if its contractions I'm having as its really just constant lower back ache and period like cramping in my stomach. It seems to be worse when I'm lying down but I have no pain coming from my vaginal area . X
Contractions tend to come and go I believe, rather than be constant. I'd call mw for reassurance if nothing else hun xx
Yeah defo call and get checked, could just be a big bout of braxton hicks, let us know what she says x
Definitely better to call MW ot check. Hope pains have stopped now, maybe it's BH? Hope all is okay xx
Tri hopping !
Try not to panic Hun, I had this last week for the whole week and it was so painful! I took three trips to the hospital that week due to me thinking I was in early labour. Turns out she was sat on a certain nerve that can cause excruciating pain! This could be the same for you, try going for a walk to try and get baby shiften in another position!
It could also spd, totally harmless to you and bubs but very painful! Tell your mw or if you are really worried then why don't you call the antenatal assessment place, the number should be in your notes and they will check you over :)xxx
Hoping you just need a big poop hehe, best to ring just incase xx
I didn't phone my MW today.
When I got up for work the pain was barely there and I managed to work all day but my back pain was coming and going but nothing like it was during the night. I have read everywhere that back pain is very common at this stage in my pregnancy. My little baby is still very active so that's one thing off my mind , plus I have no bleeding, vaginal pain or waters breaking.

I don't think im in pre-labour ........but I have never been pregnant before so not sure what to expect

I didn't want to feel like I was making a fuss.
If you're ever concerned Hun, always ring your midwife, that's what they are there for and would rather u call than not. Don't feel like your making a fuss. Glad it's eased off for u though xx
Bubs was probably sat on a nerve like my baby girl was! I also thought I was in labour! Can be painful!xxx
if I still have the back pain tomorrow im going to phone my MW as im sure its just because of the extra weight im now carrying but I know pre-labour can start with back ache.


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