

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2012
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Not quite sure where to post this lol..

Are dummies good?
What age doyou stop ur child using them?
What if they get to attached to there dummie?
Anyone got any general advice about dummies?

Basically babies dad said no dummies to be used and if baby needs comfort baby will suck thumb.. He doesnt like them as he couldnt get weend off them as a child and said they made his teeth all odd ?! Lol

However i have never experienced probs like this and to me dummies are just somthin you take away at 1 or 2 when they are adjusted to a routine ect .

Just wanted peoples opinions on them tbh :) thanks x
I personally think that dummies are not a problem providing they are taken away before the child starts to speak and as long as they are used for comfort during short periods of time and not something the child relies on all day.
Dummies can cause problems with teeth and with speech but I think this is only the case when the child is not weaned off them or they are used for excessive periods of time?
I have bought a couple but hoping not to use them.

There are specific ones you can get that don't get in the way of teeth etc

Likewise it will be for soothing during short periods of time ... Hopefully ... I'm very aware in reality I may find it hardto stick to that!

I never had a dummy ... However I saw the hell that folk wet through with my niece who had to have three at all times or she screamed blue murder!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
I would much rather my lo use a dummy as I can take that away at a certain age before it causes problems. Thumb sucking causes the same teeth and speech problems, but u can't stop a child sticking it their mouth at any age! xx
Hey hun! My 1st has a dummy. We decided before we gave it to him he understood about the fairies taking it to little babies who need it before we take it away or his 2nd chriatmas where he could send it to santa!

J is 20 months old now and still uses his dummy but ONLY when he is sleeping in which case hes not talking anyway. Its hasnt effected his sppech at all but the only reason it qould effect his speech is because he had a dummy inmouth instead of talking! J has loads of words and is trying to string togather sentences now so can safely say its not harmed. As for crooked teeth oh and I both had braces so we would never know for aure what would cause it if j needed it........

Id personally prefer a dummy I could take away as opposed to a thumb thats always there xx
I agree dummies are ok as long as you take them away by the time they can talk. My OH sucked his thumb until he was bout 9! xxx
None of my children have ever had a dummy, I don't like them personally.
They didn't thumb suck either so it's not an either or.
My sister gave her children a dummy and is having a terrible time trying to take it away from her 3 1/2 year old.
I just don't think they're necessary.
I see so many children with dummy's who are on the older side, some are 4 years old, it's not for me but that's just my opinion x
I bought some hopin not to give them to Henry but he had them now and they r amazing!

He first got given one on day 5 when i was really sore feeding him and he was using me as a dummy. I could only just bear to feed him let alone suck for comfort. He then developed colic and sucking soothes them so they calmed them down a lot.

I think "soother" is a better word for them as it describes them exactly. Helpin to soothe a crying or tired baby. I wasnt too keen on him havin one but they have been a life saver x
I will try to avoid a dummy but I'm sure I'll give in! I like the idea of telling your lo that a dummy fairy will take it :)
I sucked my thumb as a child until I was far too old and my teeth are perfectly straight, my sister on the other hand did the same and her two front teeth were at terribly odd angles! just one of those things I suppose!
I wasn't going to give my oldest a dummy, but in the end I did. She has just turned 3, and I am struggling to get her off it. However I am hopeful that once she starts playgroup and sees none of the other kids have one that she will stop using it, as she doesn't go near it when she is with other kids. It hasn't affected her speech in any way though, in fact her speech is excellent. At least with a dummy you can take it away, but a thumb you can't x
I didnt plan to use a dummy but having a baby with colic and reflux you dont care about using one!! He only ever has it to go to sleep now so im not bothered!! What I hate is when you see 3 year olds with dummies when they are out like they are just trying to shut them up!!
I've bought some dummies cuz I'd rather have them just in case.
However, if she's anything like her mummy, she won't want a dummy. I never took to one x

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I hadn't even thought about dummies :shock: :shock:

As I want to solely breastfeed for at least a few months (no expressing) I don't think we'll use them in-case it interferes with bub taking the nipple.

However never say never?

My sister let both of her boys have a dummy - eldest stopped just before he turend 2 and youngest (14 months) only has his when he is tired!

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In my opinion, dummy are fine as you can reason with a child/toddler to remove it when the times right but if they choose to thumb or finger suck obiviously that can never be reasoned with as they'll do it automatically . I had a dummy as a baby and was breastfed, all my 5 children have been breast fed and had dummies offered only 1 never took to it fortunately he never thumb sucked either . My brother rejected dummies at birth and still sucks his thumb and smokes at 38 his thumb is all withered and cracked and his front teeth cross over. I will continue to offer no 6 a dummy if it's required, and no 5 will be giving her dummies back to the fairies very soon now as she's now two years old. xx
I said no dummies once baby is here he will probably change his mind.
Dummies can cause teeth and speech problems if over used but so can thumb sucking. With a dummy you decide when you take it away, I know 30 year olds who still suck their thumb. Dummies in our house are for sleep time or when ill only. My lo is 14 n half months and can say roughly 20 words so it hasnt slowed his speech. I will be taking it off him by 18 months and have started weaning him off it now. Sometimes he will go to sleep or bed without it.

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we have just dont the big fairy event. my daughter is 2 and a half. we collected all her dummies into a special bag and put them in the garden then we blew special bubbles around and called the fairies. we went around the front of house and when we went into the back again the dummies were gone ans left in its place was a pretty fairy tent and 2 dress up fairy costumes and a tinkerbell dolly lol ;)... obviously we had secret help to put it there b4 we returned. meg is doing really well. a dummy is great to sooth a child as long as you pick a time to take it away and stick to it xx
I have a dummies but baby doesnt take them all the time she spits them out, she takes it when shes extremely tired or just while i get a feed ready.
If she does take it more often in a year or 2 father christmas will take them away when he drops off her present s xxx
dummies can actually help prevent Cot death. So on that basis alone I will be using one at night time only, after a feed.

i only plan to use them at night to help settle baby and help is sleep better. There are some strict rules around dummies though, like if baby spits it out dont force it back in!
My brother never took a dummy but he did suck his thumb and he did that until he was about 11, his thumb and teeth were a mess so I think dummies are a better idea for soothing purposes. I am planning to buy a couple for when baby is small but hopefully will get it back before it is too old.

I think it is each to their own hon, do what you feel you want to do as regards dummies xx
my son never had a dummy, my daughter had a dummy until she turned 2 then i asked her to throw them in the bin, which she did without hastle.

my advice is, if you are going to use dummies, do not buy 'cherry' style dummies like i did with my daughter... buy the flatter orthodontic ones.

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