Due to bankcruptcy!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Due to my hubby going bankcrupt lastyear on his how in his own name ive not been able to get a bank account (normal basic account) in my name as were married.

Even though the bankcruptcy was just in his name as were married id be automatically joined but it cant be as i didnt put my name to go bankcrupt :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

It takes a year to get your own bank account up again its been a year an 2 months.

Now the idea was i did have my own bank card with barclays but cos hubby went bankcrupt all the household bills got put in my bank to save him from losing the house an i wanted another bank account for the baby to start saving money an now i cant do it :(.

So if its going to be hard for me then it will be twice as hard for hubby although he has a barclays card that was givin to him from going bankcrupt but they cud of took money from him if he'd used that card so he hasnt dared to use it.

Feel stressed already an now i hate the post men :(xx
hey mrs... do you have some srt of credit union you could join... it doesnt matter bout bankruptcy as its in the childs name and you could save there.... or maybe a building society may have different rules... good luck xxx
Lisa is right hun, i have a saving account with the credit union and they dont credit check :)
There fab as well the do low interest handi loans and things, i have all my savings with them. You should check there website and read up on the info hun.....good luck :D xx
Hey hun,

You should go onto Experian.co.uk... there is no reason you should not be able to get a bank account even though you are married. I am in a similar position, but I was told by experian that as long as we have no financial connections my credit rating will not be affected. That is as long as you dont have a joint mortgage, joint bank account or joint credit.

If you go on and get your credit report online you can see who you have 'financial connections' with, if you write to experian and say you are no longer connected with that person they will remove it.

Have a look!

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Hi hun,
I don't really have any advice on this one other than what has already been mentioned.
But I didnt want to read and run.
Hope you can get it sorted :hug:
does anyone have the web site for this credit union? im currently looking into opening a new account and have the same problems xx
Hey hun,

You should go onto Experian.co.uk... there is no reason you should not be able to get a bank account even though you are married. I am in a similar position, but I was told by experian that as long as we have no financial connections my credit rating will not be affected. That is as long as you dont have a joint mortgage, joint bank account or joint credit.

If you go on and get your credit report online you can see who you have 'financial connections' with, if you write to experian and say you are no longer connected with that person they will remove it.

Have a look!


I think we have come up to the reason why my credit score is bad, before my hubby went bankcrupt i was joint on one of his old bank accounts before he went and gone bankcrupt an i so wish i never now but thats the only way i can think of my name being blacklisted and since found out it takes 3 years to get ya name officially cleared of bankcruptcy.:mad::mad:

Although hubby went on to Equifix without payin ;) to see why my credit was bad an the only thing he could do is write to them an explain that i was not involved with the bankcruptcy an to be taken off so im hoping we will be able to get somewhere.

it just annoyed me for me not writing my name on for going bankcrupt as it was my hubbys debt an because my name once used to be one of his bank account before him going bust.

But..... before he went bankcrupt he took my name off that bank account an paid for it an then we went bankcrupt its like wtf :shock::shock: lol.. Llyods Tsb didnt take my name off when we paid for it to be taking off.

I will be looking to find about getting a bank account for LO from the building society hopefully they don't look at my credit file even though theres nothing on it :oooo: lol.

Money/Banckrupcty/Men-pain in the friggin arse!!! Lol x

Expirian are quite good if you write to them. My o/h god a credit card sent to him (without requesting one) by barclays. they sent it to his work address (stupidly) and o/h was away on leave. Some nob from his work helped himself to o/h's credit card, signed the back and used it. O/h didn't even have a clue that the card existed til he got a bill, then refused to pay it as it wasn't him who ever used it. Anyhoo Barclays black listed him cause of it!! It made life difficult when we went to get our mortgage, but we explained it to the bank, they told us to write to expirion which we did and they amended it all and no probs since.
Did you know if you go on the electoral register it improves your credit report?
Expirian are quite good if you write to them. My o/h god a credit card sent to him (without requesting one) by barclays. they sent it to his work address (stupidly) and o/h was away on leave. Some nob from his work helped himself to o/h's credit card, signed the back and used it. O/h didn't even have a clue that the card existed til he got a bill, then refused to pay it as it wasn't him who ever used it. Anyhoo Barclays black listed him cause of it!! It made life difficult when we went to get our mortgage, but we explained it to the bank, they told us to write to expirion which we did and they amended it all and no probs since.
Did you know if you go on the electoral register it improves your credit report?

:shock: not gud hun but glad alls ok now :)
Im already on the electoral register already hun an its not made any difference :( theres only a building society where i live xx

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