due in 10 days and still no name!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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aarrgh - we just cannot find a name we both like and only 10 days til my due date!!! (although if this one is like my first she will be 10 days late!)

So, i had a scan at 18 weeks which said it's a girl (although this is so long ago now and quite early to have a sexing scan so i don't even know if i believe it anymore!) I've got a funny feeling they got it wrong.. but we would be thrilled with a little boy and the nursery is unisex!

But we just cannot think of a girls name... we've had all this time and now just days to go and we still haven't got our act together!!!!

My little girl is Josie and i'd love to find a similar name - that people have heard of... easy to spell... not too common...

Middle name will def be Helen (family tradition on hubbys side)

I like Emma, Keira, possibly Lois...

oh well bit of a pointless thread - is anyone else still undecided???!!!
we have only just decided ourselves our little lady will be Rhian Neve

i love the name kiera its my friends dd name and my neice is lois and really suits her :)
We are undecided too - currently battling it out as we cant agree! x
I so can't decide either...one minute I like something, the next I'm not so sure..

I've got...


One of my doggies got my fav girl name of Yazmin cos I thought having anymore children just wasn't happening for me...and I guess my babi wouldn't like the idea of her name being second-hand after our doggie :lol: x
We just decided the other day on.

I sat in hospital for 2 days after my son was born with a bloody name book!! My DH will not discuss names at all till after baby born and leaves it to me anyway!! I managed to name him Joshua about 3 hours before taking him home!
We have the opposite problem. We have a name for a girl and for a boy - the general family rule on my side is the first son is named after the grandfather, the first daughter after the grandmother. Now the girls name I can live with.....it is the boys that worries me. I love the name as it is very old (ancient greek) but we have NO idea how to shorten it or make it relevant in the 21st century - DIMOSTHENES......almost would make the child predestined to be a philosopher.

Any thoughts?
i like lois. we have been decided on dainton since i was about 12 weeks if not before. lol.

you will find one. i like lois helen though and keira was on our list for a girl. xxx

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