Due date anniversary this week.


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Jul 14, 2012
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Our little lost baby would have been 1 this week. Time seems to fly by. The pain isn't raw anymore. I have so much to be grateful for. Our youngest is 5 months old and we have 3 beautiful children. I will never forget our lost baby though. I am never sure what to do about due date anniversaries. I know no one is going to remember the date except for me, unless a I remind them, and that actually feels okay but it just doesn't feel right to let it pass without showing the universe I remember in some little way. So I guess that is what this post is. Just to say "I will never forget you and will always miss you"
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Happy anniversary xx
Thoughts are with you hun
I always light a candle on each of my angels due dates and I also take part in the wave of light in October.

I put a pic of my candle on Facebook with a few words to my babies. I know fb isn't everyone's cup of tea but my babies and my miscarriages are a huge part of my journey through life and I want that to be marked and remembered.

Big hugs sweetheart. Anniversaries are always tough.

Thinking of you, my due date is today, feel so sad xx
I always light a candle on each of my angels due dates and I also take part in the wave of light in October.

I put a pic of my candle on Facebook with a few words to my babies. I know fb isn't everyone's cup of tea but my babies and my miscarriages are a huge part of my journey through life and I want that to be marked and remembered.

Big hugs sweetheart. Anniversaries are always tough.


I think its lovely that you do something to mark the dates each year. I don't really know what 'my thing' is. I've thought about a candle but it doesnt really feel like me. Maybe something with flowers, but I'm not sure what. We always say we will do something but life always seems to get in the way. Last year at this time I was really unwell. It really isnt OHs kind of thing anyway. I know he would be happy to do it for me but would just assume forget the dates himself. For now the best I have come up with is a post on here. PF was such a big part of my pregnancies and miscarriages. The lovely ladies on here have always been such a support.
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Thinking of you, my due date is today, feel so sad xx

Thanks. I was actually thinking of you today before I saw your post. I didnt even know your due date was today but I knew it was around this time. You have had a really tough time of it. Hugs.
It used to frustrate me that DH doesn't remember dates but think that's just the way men are so I'm now ok with having moments to myself on these dates. I don't do anything specific now but used to light a candle. I've also got a tree in the garden which we planted which is a nice reminder. Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you and think your post and words are a lovely tribute. Sending hugs to you xx
Thanks candy. Somehow PF seemed like the right place for a tribute :). I used to get a bit upset that OH didn't remember dates but like you I realised its just how he is and Im okay with that. I know its not because he doesnt care he just remembers things in his own way. Honestly Im not a huge dates person normally ( I forgot our wedding anniversary this year :blush: ). I prefer to be spontaneous and enjoy the here and now in life rather than stressing about dates but a MC doesn't leave you with much to remember other than dates. We have a scan picture which is special for me. We live in an apartment so cant plant a tree in the garden which I think would be lovely. I bought some bulbs for our balcony while I was pregnat and planted them after the MC. I think of that as our baby's garden. Its nice when they flower. In a sense I guess it doesnt matter too much what I do to remember I just want to show that I do in some way. Mostly to myself :)
My due date just passed recently too Iit admit I was focused on our newest family member but I talk about my losses all the time x as with you girls they are a huge part of me now. I have a necklace with charms in that I like to wear I need to revamp it soon. Once the filing us done abs eBay is done e I'll get back to my jewellery making I think and add an extra charm for the anniversary. (We both me and hubby forgot our wedding anniversary too this yr! Our qst one too!)
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Lovely to hear from you Eryinera. I saw that you had had your LO recently and was wanting to track you down to congratulate you! I am really happy for you! Glad I'm not the only one to forget my wedding anniversary! It was our 15th, not sure if that makes it better or worse! I have a necklace with a heart on it that I wear that I bought to remermber the baby. My MC started in earnest while we were paying for it and we had to dash home. So the necklace was kind of with me through the whole thing and having it on feels like the closest thing to having our baby close to me that I can have. The only problem is that sometimes I'd like to wearother neclaces but I find it har to take i off.
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I often wear 2 necklaces my gran n grandad always wore 2 one was a heart necklace they shared that said "I love you more today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow" and them one of their choice. Ty hun I have parenting journal with pics on. It's scary thinking your lo is 5 months! What a difference a year makes :hugs:
I was trying to see if you had a journal the other day but somehow I didnt find it partly because my phone was being awkward. I will look again. I dont know where the time goes! Seems impossible it was over a year and a half ago we were all in June mummies together.
Time really does fly it males you feel so old! Lol a yr ago today our heads were I such different places than they are today!
I bought a ring for each of my angels, with the birthstone of the month they were due.

I'm not sure if it would be possible or how much it would cost, but one day I'd like to have the stones set in one ring rather than wearing three separate ones.

Thats a nice idea to have them set in one ring. Im sure it can be done. I think some jewellery shops will get things costom made for you. Otherwise maybe look out for someone in your area who does it as a hobby/ small business. When I lived in Scotland there were quite a few like that who were delighted to do a costom piece. Dont know what its like in your area.
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My friends son in law is a silversmith he does amazing work. My friend has a necklace with her late husbands fingerprint cast from silver as a pendant it's beautiful and she has custom made rings so it can be done but it's not cheap. I'm still planning on having my 4 dragons flying over a rainbow with my son and daughters birth dates at each end... I just need the money lol
Hello ladies, my little angel was due on the 9th June and would've been 1 year old this year, I don't feel too sad about it these days, I have a little boy who is 8 months and he is my world, but I still think back at the heartbreaking time.
Sending love to you ladies xx

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