Dropping like flies!!!

I think I'll be one of the last to leave tri 3 out of the current ladies that are here! Not that I'm complaining as I'm still nowhere near ready lol!
I don't wanna leave Tri3 :shakehead:

I think after Grace is here I'll probably still lurk around this section too :D

I can't wait til it's my turn anyway xxx
girls can we all please agree to hang out still in the baby section?? i'm gonna miss everyone too much! in the strangest way ever i still miss ttc :oooo: let alone the tri's!!

PF has felt like such a big part of my life since joining in early august 2010 and i feel sad that its sort of coming to an end but the 'end' is what i joined for in the first place..i'm feeling a bit sentimental too :oooo: xxxxxxxxx
i agree ive loved the advice and stories that we have shared x x x im almost ready to pop but will still be popping on to see how everyone is doing x x
I'm not going anywhere! :) I'm properly hooked up on PF! Hope you all girls will stay too!
The next section is ace - everyone is there and ready to help in an instant. No one is going anywhere :yay:

It seemed like for weeks nothing much happened and then in a few days boom... babies everywhere! I still say to people i have ages left but when i think its just under 12 weeks... thats not long :S and if i have to be induced like the doctor said tis 10 weeks.... why do i feel like im only just in tri one still? x
I still feel like I'm lying when I say I have two weeks left :shock:
I'm not ready for it all to be over yet why cant I be 28 weeks instead of 38??!!! :(

I see this turning into an emotional thread lol gonna miss everyone and all the labour watches! I know I'm not gonna have much time to get on here when baby is born but I promise to try my best!! I remember struggling in TTC with Ellie on here!! As soon as I found out about our little surprise I knew I had to come back here!! Would never have coped with all that crap alone!!

Love you ladies!!! :hug: :hug:
It's amazing how we all pretty much graduated from ttc together. It makes it so special to share it, and no judging just support! I would have been such a mess ( well more of a mess) thru my losses without u guys! X

Aaaw :hug: :hug: to you all girlies. Clearly I won't be going anywhere once baby arrives, gotta keep everyone in check :rofl: xx
I'm still here!!! I feel like Rachel in that episode of friends when everyone has there baby before her!! :shock:

I am 8 days over today and I havent had any signs at all, at this rate some of the girls in tri 1 will be cuddling their LO before me!!! I just want to meet him or her now!:)
hey excited! We are the same.....8 days over and no LO! It does feel like everyone else is having theirs and not me! Nat26 was a day behind and she has gone into labour now too......pleased for her, but everyone that goes before u just makes u that little bit more depressed!.......

I haven't been on PF before actually getting pg but everyone has been supportive and I have learnt so much.....can c me staying around for advice and support after LO is here! Other forums do seem to be more judgemental....wonder y that is?! xx
Sometimes I think it's such a shame that I wasn't here while TTC! This forum is amazing.
I was here for nearly a year before getting pregnant. It really helped me when I found out I had pcos and heard how it could be treated. Not to mention the endless support I got on here through other very difficult aspects of my life last year. The PF girls will never know the real part they played in keeping me sane :petal:
The support in the forum is great but in ttc it's different, it really does help u get thru every bfn each month, the girls in there are amazing, u become quite attached to people and their journeys. So girls, I recommend going there when planning ur next LO ;) xx
I dont know why other forums are so hostile.. ive been here since 2006 and its always been welcoming and full of support... youll always get one or two trouble makers but they soon piss off lol! i agree TTC section is great.. i wasnt ov for months for no explained reason at the time (now i know i have pcos after all this time-found out a month before my bfp with this lo lol) and everyone was so supportive :)
The support is amazing - I've made some great friends on here, too. Awesome place!
:pompom: for PF!!!


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