

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
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Just thought i'd ask who has carried on driving all through there pregnancy or has anyone stopped?

also when did people stop?

i just thought about it as i was driving to my midwife appointment today and i'm due tomorrow lol
hiya :wave:

I know im only just over 30 weeks but im having real trouble driving now.

My seat belt isnt long enough and after only 20 minutes i start getting cramps in my bum n hips and i get loads of braxton hicks really strong ones. I dont know how much longer i will be driving but think i would be the same as you at term i would still use the car if it was only a 5 min drive :hug: :hug:
yeah i can't sit in the car very long its not comfortable but i'm also more aware that i'm pregnant and this might sound weird but i worry more about having a bump with another car just cos of anything hurting him like the seatbelt etc.
It never really occurred to me to stop. I have to do the school run and Tesco etc so there's not really any choice! I'm still fairly comfortable at the mo.

During my last pregnancy I actually picked my daughter up from school in the early stages of labour! She goes to school too far away to walk so even tho I was 5 days overdue and having irregular contractions I decided I was ok. Did take it easy tho, and had to pull over at one point when I felt the tightening coming on! We got home at 4pm, my waters broke at 5.45pm and I delivered at 8.04pm! :lol:
god your good.

well its not really bothered me and as my OH doesn't drive its left to me i was just curious as to what other people felt about driving. i understand people with kids have to keep driving.
i did actually stop driving at about 38 weeks but only because Levi gave me a few nasty kicks that took my breath away so thought it was best to stop.
I'm still driving, planning on doing it right up until the birth. I do get a bit worried because I'm so short I need my seat as far forward as it goes. But that means the bump is really close to the steering wheel. I am only really doing short trips on my own, longer ones when my DH is with me.

A friends mum told me that she drove herself to the hospital when she was in labour with him because her DH was too busy watching the football :shock: :shock: .
emman24 said:
A friends mum told me that she drove herself to the hospital when she was in labour with him because her DH was too busy watching the football :shock: :shock: .

Hmmm don't think i'd have put up with that, thats horrible
Nah I wouldn't either. They split up not long after my friend was born so don't think he was interested. Its those sorts of things that make me realise how lovely my DH is :D
I'm still driving too - I find getting in and out of the car the hardest bit - feels a bit sore on my foo foo!
i'm still driving i'm quite tall so no worries about bump touching steering wheel! Not sure how much longer I can as drove yesterday and since then have had really bad pains/stiffness in my pelvis/hips and now i am really waddling think it was getting in & out of the car that caused it as it is a low car!
Still driving has i hate walking anywhere - How bad does that sound! I feel safe in my car and one of these people that will park up right where im suppose to be etc etc, Plus i still have my horses to look after so have to drive to my yard Think i'll be driving until i go into Labour and depending on whos with me i might even take myself to hopstail :lol: Dont like to make a fuss of calling an ambulance!
I havent long passed my test... and to be fair i think it wont be long before i cant drive very far. I'm pretty short anyway and keep banging my bump and it *just* fits behind the steering wheel :lol: Plus i get really bad hip/backache when i'm the car for long periods.

Its not too much of an issue though as DH drives and his car is much more comfy than my tiny thing... only problem is its a sports car so its very low and can be a pain to get in and out of :rotfl: I think at the end it may just be easier to roll onto the pavement before getting up :rotfl:
lauramumof2 said:
I passed my driving test 2 weeks before Joe was born.


I dont think I stopped driving when I was pregnant with my boys, and I don't think I'll stop driving this time, unless I felt it was necessary for safety reasons. Personal choice I think.

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