Dreading Friday & tough decision :(


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Henry is being weighed again on Friday, & I'm really hopin he has put weight on. We have changed our latching/feeding positions so hoping that will have helped, along with the feeding every 2 1/2 - 3 hours.

I've decided today if he doesn't put much on on Friday, & it still hadn't improved by the following weigh in on 6th July I'm gonna start him on formula :(

I'll be really sad to finish bf but I can't keep bf if he isn't putting weight on. He has been struggling to gain since he was 6 weeks, but I've been so stubborn up until now. Now we have lathing sorted, if it doesn't make a difference I'll have to do what's best for him and ff him :cry:

That's 2 tough decisions I've made today :(
Are things really that bad :( Is it just the weight gain or do you feel in yourself he's not feeding right? Lewis hasn't gained much this last 2 times either getting him re-weighed on Tuesday.
Would you not consider combi feeding? Then you can get the best of both?

If the worst comes to the worst can you not keep bf and just top up with formula?? That way you are only giving him the little extra he needs xx
He hasn't gained a lot for 7 weeks now. Can't tell u exactly how much cos he is feeding again ATM. The hv seems worried about him tho :(

It's not like it's a new problem as its been going on 7 weeks. He is happy in himself but he is so skinny. His spine and ribs stick out & it looks awful.
When harrison wasnt putting on weight to start with the doctor said to give him bottles at the times thst your tired and he seems the most hungry. I gave one at 12 and another at 6, I did have to swap completely coz he just wasnt putting on weight but maybe giving one or two bottles might help top him up?? Either that or let him feed till your empty and then offer a top up bottle (I never cud be bothered coz while your making a bottle you might just as well give em a bottle from the start!!)
Exactly the same happened with me and josh. I switched to ff at 14 and a half weeks. I look back and still wish I persisted with bf but feeding is a lot less stressful for me and josh has gained weight. More so now he is on formula. A right lil chunky monkey. Don't feel bad if you decide to ff. you have given your boy the best start and you have done amazingly to continue for this long.xx
With combo feeding which way round is best? Bf then ff, or visa versa. Or alternate feeds, one bf then the next ff?so confusing. Tbh I didn't even think about combi feeding so I'd definitely try that.
In the short amount of time I was combi feeding I expressed during the day and formula at night. I think ff can make them a bit full at first as it's heavier and they digest better with a good sleep afterwards

Wishing you all the best for the weigh in sweetheart xxxxxxx
if it comes to it then do what i do and combine the 2, drop a few bottles into his feeding routine and enjoy the break but still bf morning and afternoon and night so you still get the cuddles and closeness. Alyssa has 3 or 4 bottles a day or anything between 3 and 5 oz usually and i bf her morning and evening and half of some feeds. it is better if i have to wait for a bottle to cool down cos i can bf her til its ready lol. its still cheaper than total ff and means i didnt have to give up completely.

i bf whenever shes hungry til 11am, then thats her first bottle, then next at 2 and 6 and maybe 8 if needed. i always offer boob first then top up with formula but you might want to switch out the feeds instead so its bf when you want to and bottles during the middle of the day or evening
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I just did pretty much alternate feeding, think this is the best way to maintain your milk supply as it gives you a chance to recover a bit!! If you top up to bf then ff but the problem with that is if he isnt sucking then he isnt stimulating more milk to be produced!! YOu have to do what is best for him, I gave up at 9 weeks and in the last 9 weeks he has put on 7 lb wereas he only put on 2lb while I was bfing!! Although im gutted, I know that he had the best start and now he needs to be ff!!
yeah you could bf first feed, then bottle, then bf etc. would work nicely to keep your supply up
I thought they advised bfing first but these girls are experts!

Cool. I'll try that if Friday doesn't go to plan.

I think I'd have to gradually introduce ff as he still doesn't take a bottle very well. Kinda looks at me like I'm crazy! He completely refuses it if dh tries. Think it's too different for him with the different person & smells & a bottle.

What is the best formula brand to use? Should I just start with cartons or buy a tin? & do I start him on the first stage milk or the second? Sorry for so many questions but I'm totally clueless!
I'd recommend hipp organic but maybe as she's new to it get cartons and see which she likes best. I hate aptimal with a vengeance because of their 'it's as good as breast milk thing'

My mum suggested to me to shove a muslin down my top and wrap the bottle in it for OH to feed Albert, this worked on a newborn, not sure how it would work on an older baby but might help?
as long as your supply is established you can drop the odd feed and the supply will adjust to it as thats what babies do as they grow, if you stop completely it will dry up. i offer boob first most feeds cos Alyssa has always been lazy so my supply was never good but if its been fine i see no reason why it couldnt adapt. i tend to bf her to sleep for naps and at bedtime and mostly top up with bottles really hence her only having 5oz maximum at a time, i figure she gets the rest from me to what she should be on in a day as shes never starving and always leaves a lil formula as she prefers to be bf really

ive always used aptimil cos it was the first one i could think of lol, it seems to agree with her ok. she did get milk rash for a week or so tho so be aware of the chance of him developing it. id suggest pumping a lot if you can to give him in a bottle to make sure hes getting more but that would be very time consuming and pretty much give you and henry no actual time to have a life
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I use SMA have done for both boys but that's my preference hope Friday goes ok for you though xxx


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