DR Brown Teats - Level 3


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Level two was taking ages grr and as she is over 6 months i bought level 3 and OMG they are so annoying there spillage everyehre all the time i chucked away level 2 teats thinking nothing of it should i buy level 2 again or just hope she gets used to these 1s lol
Evie still uses the first size teats for her bottles. We asked the HV if it was ok to keep her on them, and she said if they are taking the milk at a normal pace than its fine to keep them on the size they are at, only change them if they seem to be needing to suck really hard to get the milk.

plus she also said sometimes its worse changing the teats as it makes it harder for the baby to take the milk, because the teats soften as you serilise them each time and a new teat makes it more difficult to get the milk :D .
cor blimey ive got 4 new teats to get then
luckily i still have 2 size 2 teats left cos i buy them at different times for 6 bottles grrrr
oh well BOOTS POINTS here i come haha
I bought loads of lvl 3 teats when Tom was 6 months and OMG...he just choked on the milk! I had to get all my lvl 2 teats out again and am still on those now.
emily chokes sometimes but thats when she dont let me wind her. she crys . mines on avent #2 for 1month + also use the 0+ ones still. will get 3 months when she reaches it and see how she does on it
James is on the DR Browns level 2's already, but then he is on the C&G comfort milk and baby gavison so needed the larger hole to get anything, even now he gets too tired and wont always finish his feed :roll:

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