down :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Im just so down, been the last few days.. on tuesday i was really angry with OH but didnt know why and i called him up and it ended in a argument and now i just cant be bothered. Hes been txting but im just ignoring him. I know its horrible but i got no energy and im so angry and upset.
This is not why im down tho, i dont know why im down.. Council reakon i owe them 400 since 2008 and are now taking a share of my wages.. didnt need that.. i think its just a mix of everything... Pushing my self to 14 hours shift just cuz i cant afford not to..
Im so happy im pregnant but it feels like its me and the baby against the world at the moment..

My midwife reakon im at risk at becomming depressed as i been depressed more or less since the age of 14. I dont want to be a depressed mum.
I really hope im stronger then that. :wall2:
Hey honey! You poor thing, it can be really really hard! I was feeling down a while back as well, just random phases in pregnancy where I felt down and angry and depressed for no reason at all. And it causing arguments with OH didn't help either. It must be even harder as it's your first one. On top of it my OH has trouble with depression as well so I know what it means.
You just need to get out as much as you can, talk about things that worry you etc as much as you can and don't let work take the best of you. You are supposed to enjoy your pregnancy. Have you looked into all the benefits you might qualify for? Even if you don't work full hours you can get help from the government that would help you without giving you too much stress! I only work 16 hours a week and I feel terrible enough, standing on my feet all day on those days. Not to mention having Brandon all the other days :lol:
It has turned into an essay so I apologise!
All I am trying to say is that you need to start looking into how you can make your life easier for yourself and how other sources can help you without putting too much pressure on you and pushing you into depression!
Feel free to PM me if you want to, I've done it all, had a child on my own, work full time, have another child with OH, work less hours, different benefits - you name it! I'm sure there's a way I can help :)
Chin up honey, things will get better!xx
poor you hun your hormones are bubbling at the same time as working those many hours it not a good mix your probably exhusted which will make you even more low i dont have a magic answer but we are all here for you
:hug: Stay in touch with your health professionals honey; ante-natal depression can occur just as much as post-natal depression :hug:
hi lovely, just to let you know im in he same position as you. im going to see a psychiatrist soon after being referred by not only my miswife but also a gp. if you ever wanna chat message me!! all the best lovely!!
Believe me you aren't the only one. I feel miserable and I am not working so it must be harder if you are working so much. I am finding it hard to get excited about the baby. Everyone is so positive and I am just really negative.

I think its all part of the pregnancy. Plus if you are prone to it it can't be easy. I was on anti depressants last year and stopped so I could get pregnant. Was a bit of a worry that I wouldn't be able to make it through the 9 months without having to go back on them. So far so good. Athough those first 3 months really made me low. No energy, sickness. Enough to make even the sanest person low.

Anway, I am sure it will get better as the weeks go on. You must be tired working - I can't imagine how you can when you are so tired. I recon it will get easier. Plus, our hormones are all over the place.

Make sure you go to bed early and rest when you can.
thanks girls, i do feel abit better this week have ordered our new bed :D
Im so tired tho, OH is on his way here to take me to the cinema and i feel like saying no but its nice to get out so im going.. said to my boss im not doin anymore 14 hours shift after week 22 :D she very much agreed
I'm like this most of the time although i think its mainly work just getting me down (im a bit of a stress head)

I've suffered depression for years but these days I keep myself going by thinking 'soon nothing will matter except the LO and my family'

Thankfully i have a very patient OH :)

Hope you feel better soon xxxxx
Aww girly it's horrible! I have some days where I just feel like the whole world is against me, when really I know I'm just being silly! Just keep smiling =D or do what I do, punch some pillows!!

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