Down syndrome screening


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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I was booked in for blood test on new years day? think theres a mistake there. But how long do the results take to get back and how do they go about letting you know whether you're low or high risk.
With mine if it's high risk the midwife would phone you within 7-10 days. If you're low risk it's a letter within 3 weeks..........
Mine was different, they said if i was high risk they'd call me within a week but if I was low risk I wouldn't hear anything. Never heard anything so when i was at the midwife this week I asked her for my risk factor but they don't even give you that here! All I know is that I'm low risk.
yer i recieved a low risk letter in the post...
Mine was different again - I had my bloods on a wednesday, she said if there was any probs she would phone me by the friday.
I then got a letter the follwing week, with all my scan details and confirmation of low risk, which included the percentage.

Hopefully they will be just as efficient where you are! x
didnt want to read and run - I didnt have the screening done with either of my two boys and am a proud mummy to wonderful and beautiful boys. Its about personal choice but I decided I would rather not know the percentage risk and just deal with things as and when they happen.
didnt want to read and run - I didnt have the screening done with either of my two boys and am a proud mummy to wonderful and beautiful boys. Its about personal choice but I decided I would rather not know the percentage risk and just deal with things as and when they happen.

I see where you're coming from hun.
I got a call a week after the tests were taken to say I was high risk and had the amnio.

When they call you, you're asked to go in for a meeting with the fetal medicine person and a counsellor. You're basically asked the hypothetical question of "if these tests come back positive what would you do?" and the options are keep the baby or terminate. That's it. It's a lot to take in and we decided in a flurry of emotions there and then that we would terminate. soon as I saw my baby on that screen and how much it had changed and developed in such a short space of time I felt such a rush of love and the realisation that nothing was going to stop me being a mum and even if there was something wrong I didn't care - this was MY little baby and I was going to protect it and love it.

When they inserted the needle I could see just how close it was to baby on the screen and I daren't breathe for fear of it touching the baby. it was a horrendous experience. We both felt so so guilty an cried a lot together afterwards. The wait for the results was awful. It was the biggest relief when they came back clear but again, the guilt set in. As there's a risk of miscarriage I felt guilt for chancing that with our baby - our baby who had nothing wrong at all.

When I get pregnant again I'm going to request not to be screened for this. I know now that deep down I couldn't terminate a baby no matter what so it's not worth the risk of miscarriage in going through it. The stress from that first call to the amnio to getting the results was immense And lasted just over 2 weeks. The stress isn't good for baby of course.

Just wanted to share my experience because I thought I knew myself 100% and knew how I'd feel and react but actually faced with it, I was so wrong.

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