Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida Blood Test


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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I've got my blood tests for down syndrome and spina bifida on Friday morning but I was just wondering do you get to see your midwife at this appointment? My appointment part on my records have confused me a bit, on my gtt appointment date and time it has next to it Womens Centre (which is part of the hospital) but for my appointment on Friday it just says Hospital. They also have'nt sent me a date for my 20 week scan yet and I am getting so frustrated, I tried to make the appointment for the 20 week scan after my 12 week scan but the receptionist just said it will be put in the post. I am so looking forward to seeing Roo again but just want to know when. :wall:
Maybe it's different in different areas, but I've to go to my MW for the blood tests, and that's when she'll listen for the heartbeat for the first time. My appointment will last about half an hour and this is what she'll do, as well as a general health check up. I've got my 20 wk scan appt through for 23rd April (seems like ages away!) so hope you get yours soon x
Yeah, I agree, it depends on your area. For my blood tests, I get sent to an obstetric hospital where they have a specific blood test room, so I don't get to see my midwife on these occasions. In actual fact, I have only seen my midwife once so far, the next time I see her won't be til 28 weeks. My 16 and 22 week appts are with my GP.
I had my blood taken this morning for this at my local Dr's so i didn't see the MW, i can book to see her anytime i like next time i am going though is in 5 weeks, i think it is different in different areas like the others have said as i had to book my 20 week scan while i was at the hospital having my 12 week one....I bet it really is getting to you, about the scan date, seems they are leaving it late to give you a date!

Fingers crossed they send you one soon :hug:
In my case it was the midwife who did my blood test so she did a full check whilst I was there - urine, weight, even a doppler so I could hear the heartbeat.

I think it does depend upon where you are - I called the midwife first to make the appointment who told me to ring my GP, but when I called the GP and told them what it was for they made me an appointment with the midwife anyway.

Hope this helps a little?


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