Spina Bifida-please sign the petition to help prevent SB x

Glad you were able to spend some time together, hope you and your OH are able to talk about it. Glad you were able to share this, I had a bit of a cry :cry: Best wishes for ttc.
:cry: :cry: i'm so sorry, i don't know what to say.

god bless and the little man

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Got my date with the specialist tomorrow...kind of scared now...hope it is good news!!
It's at 2.00pm...will get minimum sleep tonight I think!!

I just realised this post has now been viewed over 10000 times :shock: :shock:
Just shows how much people care on this :hug: :hug:

Only just read this bit of the post. Thank you for sharing your story, you are very very brave, take care x
Specialist meeting went so well.
Said it is sooo unlikely to ever happen again. Just bad luck.
Said I am able to start ttc again straight away and should go on to have a normal full term pregnancy with no complications!!

I am sooo thrilled.

Hopefully this is my last post on this thread.
Hoping to be in second tri again soon...then maybe get into third aswell!!!!!Need to get to first though now....just waiting on that line to appear again lol

Wish me luck and loads of babydust!!!
:D :D
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sending you tons of baby dust and i hope so much that you get an easy pregnancy.

I'm so glad the appointment went well!

Good luck TTC, hope to see you floating around in first tri soon!! I hope you don't have long to wait hun :hug: xxx
Awwww :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hoping to see you back soon

*sprinkles babydust*

Good luck TTC :hug:
I'm so glad that the appointment went well for you :hug:

Here's a ton of baby dust : *sprinkles* :hug: :hug:
Great news on the specialist!! :cheer:

Hope to see you in 1st Tri soon; wishing you all the luck in the world Kaylee :hug:
Loads of baby dust to you!

:hug: :hug:

Glad your appointment went well :)

Look forward to seeing you in 1st Tri really soon

:babydust: :babydust:

Thats great news I bet its such a relief for you, good luck ttc I hope you catch really quick! :hug: :hug:

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