

Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
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Hi ladies! I got my angelsounds Doppler today! Sat trying to hear baby's heartbeat for about half an hour with no luck what so ever! Anyone else got one? If so how many weeks were you when you heard it and any tips on hearing it would be greatly appreciated :)

Ive got one, and I still can't hear it, and I look for ages. I am going to leave it for a couple of weeks until I get a bit bigger.
I've got 1, heard it first at 9 weeks but it was very difficult to hear, then didn't find it again till 11weeks. When I try now I can usually catch it for a few seconds before baby moves and I lose it. Its very difficult to find at this stage. X x
I really want one I've seen ladies that can fin it at 9 weeks and some who didn't find it till 14 weeks. My SIL said she found hers at 10 weeks but listened to her own heart to see that sound then sat moving it around till she heard a different sound.
i have a doppler, i got it at 14weeks and found it straigh away, i was confused at first because there was 3 noises i found, My heartbeat, the placenta whoosing the blood through and then Crumpets which was like a gallopping horse :)

dont worry if you cant find it straight away though, my MW took longer thank me to find him even though he kept poking out my belly lol he must of been teasing her haha

I found it :-D yay!! I timed it as well - it was 160bpm! Such a beautiful sound!! Aww I am so happy, All the sad news on here has made me so sad and worried about my LO!!

Just re tried again with a full bladder and picked it up straight away!! So pleased :-) xxx
Are the dopplers available in shops or only online? xxxxxx
I got mine from ebay - it was £19.95 and came with a large tube of ultrasound gel too - it's called anglesounds!! Best £20 I have ever spent!! I ordered it at 4pm on weds and it came today!! xxx
Will have to wait til wednesday when i get paid lol......unless I accidentally stumble into mothercare tomorrow and they just happen to have one :)
Yyyyeeeehhhh bet it was amazing. I am so so very jealous.
Me 2, i want one. But then what if i cant find it? I would be paniking, oh what to do........ x
I so want one now lol....if I can't pick up the heartbeat I reckon I could spy on the neighbours with it :). Anyway, have just read the reviews for the ones at Boots and Argos and omg I bet their customer services assistants had bad days with those irate mothers to be lmao. Will order the angelsounds one i think xxxxxxxxx

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